



美式发音: [aɪˈdiəl] 英式发音: [aɪˈdɪəl]




复数:ideals  搭配同义词

adj.+n.ideal world,ideal environment,ideal weight,ideal location,ideal spot

v.+n.ideal match






adj.1.of the best or most appropriate type2.as good as you can imagine, and probably too good to be real

n.1.an idea about what is good and right, that you try to follow in your life and behavior2.the best example of something that you can think of or imagine

1.理想 ... 每日必省? Something Worth Thinking About? 理想的归属? Ideals ? 站在人生的岔路口? The Fork in the Road? ...

3.观念 兴趣爱好( Hobbies) 理想心愿( Ideals) 感恩致谢( Thanks) ...

5.我对理想没有信心 ... I have no faith⌒in⌒ideals. 我对理想没有信心。 Only,come⌒and see me now and then. 只是,要记住要常来看 …

6.崇高的理想 ... ~ society 上流社会 ~ ideals 崇高的理想 ~ culture 高尚的文化 ...

7.理念 价值 |MERITS 理念 |IDEALS 关于我们 |About Ideation Workshop ...



1.Settlers in other colonies shared the same basic ideals as the Puritans, although they did not always establish publicly-funded schools.其它殖民地的居民与清教徒具有共同的基本理念,虽然他们并非都设立公立学校。

2.After such a stirring speech, the world waits to see if America's new president's actions will match his lofty words and ideals.在聆听美国总统激动人心的演讲之后,世人将试目以待是否美国的新总统将言行一致。

3.One of the defining ideals of the European Union has been its social support system, often referred to as the European welfare state.欧洲联盟的理想定义之一就是它的社会保障系统,通常被称之为欧洲福利国家。

4.I am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career.我愿意当一名教师,并希望所有有崇高理想的人会为这项有意义的事业献身。

5.They do not always live up to their ideals, but at least they know what they are.它们并不是总能实现自己的理想,但至少它们知道自己的操守底线。

6.Over the years, the ideals at the heart of that document have endured as subsequent generations have expanded those blessings.随着岁月的流逝,这份文件的中心思想已经随着后辈对这些权利的扩大而永存。

7.The ideals of philanthropy and giving back in many forms to those in need are the spirit of the human instinct to help others.怀抱慈善事业的理想和以多种形式帮助有需要的人是人类相互帮助的人性本能。

8.Life, no matter how much you have suffered the attack should not give up pursuit of ideals.生活中无论你遭遇多大的打击,也不应该放弃对理想的追求。

9.We do not have to live in an idealized world to still reach for those ideals that will make it a better place.即使我们生活其中的世界不是个理想世界,我们仍然能够追求让它变得更美好的理想。

10.The new politics, he said, would be about boring administration, not the clash of ideals.新政治将聚焦于治理,而非观念冲突。