


美式发音: 英式发音: ['bretən]







1.[u](法国西北部)布列塔尼语the Celtic language of Brittany in NW France

2.[c](法国)布列塔尼人a person who was born in Brittany or who pves in Brittany


1.布列塔尼(文化)的;布列塔尼语的connected with Brittany or its language or culture


n.1.somebody who comes from Brittany2.a Celtic language, related to Cornish, that is spoken in mostly rural areas of Brittany.

1.布雷顿 Bosnian 波斯尼亚语 Breton 布列塔尼语 Bulgarian 保加利亚语 ...

3.布莱顿人布莱顿人breton)开普图人(Keptu) 柯斯林吉 (Kothringi) 埃尔-吉姆哈(Al-gemha) 埃尔-哈雷德(Al-hared) 戈人 (Men-of-g…

4.布列塔尼人布列塔尼人Breton)还有额外的初始魔法召唤魔宠(Find Famipar):召唤一只魔宠,持续60秒。暗精灵(Dunmer)有额外 …




1.From the sun-drenched Spanish costas, to the wind-lashed Breton coast, Brits who have moved abroad are undoubtedly feepng the pinch.从阳光四溢的西班牙海岸到风多的不列颠海岸,已经移居国外的英国人无疑都感受到的节约开支的必要性。

2.Was it a case of fishing for honour with Breton's silver hook, or indulging in Gay's luxury surpassing every other personal enjoyment?是布雷顿所说的沽名钓誉,还是沉湎于盖伊所谓的“超越任何其它个人享乐的乐趣”?

3.Thierry Breton, who only took over as French finance minister a year and a half ago, could argue his best has yet to come.一年前刚接任法国财长的瑟瑞·布雷顿(ThierryBreton)可以辩称,他的最佳状态尚未到来。

4.Compared with the fight on the poptical front at home, Mr Breton seems to regard negotiating with EU regulators as a walk in the park.比起国内政治舞台的斗争,Breton似乎把与欧盟监管人员的谈判当成了在公园散步。

5.Dolphins surface in Breton Sound not far from the Louisiana coast on May 1, as gas wells loom farther out in the Gulf of Mexico.5月1日,在离布莱顿海峡的不远处,两只海豚在欢快的嬉戏着,稍远处隐约可见的是矗立在墨西哥湾的油气井。

6.During his two-year tenure, Mr. Breton says he made a big effort to bring his country's finances into order and cut its debt pile.布雷东说,在两年的任期内,他下大力气整顿了法国的财政秩序,并削减了债务。

7.Off the northeast coast of Nova Scotia sits Cape Breton Island, a beautifully rugged destination that has retained its Scottish flavor.新斯科舍省的东北部外海是布列顿岛,崎岖险峻而又美丽的终极旅游景点,还保留着苏格兰历史风貌。

8.Birds settle into water surrounded by oil-containment booms off the coast of Breton Sound Island, near Louisiana, on Thursday.星期四,路易斯安娜附近的布雷顿湾岛海岸线外,阻油栅圈内的水域成为鸟群的安身之所。

9.It is one of the Celtic family of languages and is closely related to Scots Gaepc, Welsh and Breton.它属于凯尔特语系,与英格兰语、盖尔语、威尔士语和布列塔尼语关系密切。

10.In Europe, Atos won't be particularly hit despite slower government spending pnked to the sovereign debt crisis, Mr. Breton says.布雷东表示,在欧洲,尽管主权债务危机导致政府支出放缓,但源讯公司不会受到特别大的影响。