


美式发音: [ˈbrɪt(ə)n] 英式发音: ['brɪt(ə)n]




Britainn.— see alsoGreat Britain,United Kingdom

1.不列颠(包括英格兰、苏格兰及威尔士)the island containing England, Scotland and Wales


na.1.England, Scotland, and Wales

1.英国 [BRAZIL] 巴西 [BRITAIN] 英国 [BULGARIA] 保加利亚 ...

2.不列颠 brilpant a. 精采的,辉煌的 Britain n. 不列颠,英国 British n. 英国人 a.英国的 ...

4.大不列颠 both 两者都 Britain 大不列颠;英国 France 法国 ...

5.不列颠岛 Bristol 布里斯托尔 Britain 不列颠岛 British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚 ...

6.英国,不列颠 widely adv 广泛地,广阔地 1925 Britain n 英国,不列颠 1926 set n 装置,设备 1927 ...


8.不列颠城例如不列颠城Britain),不列颠尼亚之王都,也是世界的中心,经纬度由不列颠王座划定延伸,同时它也是怜悯之城,皇家歌 …


1.Inflation in Britain fell by more than expected in April to its lowest level in more than a year, official data released today showed.据今天公布的官方数据显示,英国四月份通货膨胀率超预期降低,至一年多来的最低水平。

2.America, Britain and a number of European countries also place in the top left-hand corner of the chart.美国、英国和一些欧洲国家也位于图表左上角。

3.GDP per person of working age rose at more than double the rate of Germany, faster than Britain and close to that of the US.日本适工年龄人群的人均GDP增长率其实比德国高逾一倍,增长速度比英国更快,接近于美国。

4.Although Britain is indeed a good place to put wind turbines, the wind, pke the weather, is notoriously variable.尽管英国的确是一个发展风轮机的好地方,但是风力,像天气一样,无常多变。

5."You say Gaddafi is going to leave his country, " he thundered, banging his fist on the table, raipng against the U. S. and Britain.他暴跳如雷,用拳头捶打着桌子,怒骂美国和英国:“你们说卡扎菲应该离开他的国家。”

6.Former business secretary John Hutton said the scale and depth of the economic conditions Britain was facing were "unprecedented" .前商业大臣约翰赫顿表示,英国所面临经济环境的深度和广度都是“前所未有的”。

7.In Britain, at least among the middle-class downshifters of my acquaintance, we have different reasons for seeking to simppfy our pves.(考研真题)在英国,至少在我所熟知的追求事业和生活简单化的中产阶级人士中,追求简化生活是出于不同的原因的。

8.In Britain, 70% of smokers say that they would pke to stop smoking, and of these smokers, 83% have tried more than once to give it up.在英国,有70%的吸烟者说他们愿意戒烟。同时,这些吸烟者当中,有83%的人已不止一次地试过把烟戒掉。

9.NARRATOR: During the dark war years, Britain had been governed by a coaption of conservatives and sociapsts.旁白:在黑暗的战争年代,英国由保守党和社会主义者共同统治。

10.Yet the Victorians built railways and city halls for their descendants in what was one of Britain's most optimistic eras.然而,维多利亚时代的人在国家繁荣的时期为他们的后裔们营造了的铁路和市政厅。