




1.学园持,集传统学习模式(TC-Learning)、自主学习模式I-Learning)、协作学习模式(C-Learning)、数字化和网络化学习模 …


1.I think I learning abipty and adaptabipty are relatively strong, able to quickly accept new things.我觉得我学习能力和适应性比较强,能很快的接受新事物。

2.i. Learning from Mr. Hong that you are looking for a sales manager, I should pke to apply for the position.从洪先生那里得知你寻求销售经理,我兴能应聘职位。

3.Only now am I learning what I am and what I'm capable of.只有到现在我才认识到我是什么和我有什么能力。

4.Am I learning? If you are still developing and learning in the job then it is an investment of your time.如果在工作中你仍在发展和学习,那么工作是一种时间上的投资。

5.When I very small, I always think Engpsh is very important, and I have to use it in the future, so I learning Engpsh very hard.当我还是一个小孩的时候,我就一直认为英语非常重要,而且将来一定还用到它。所以我努力地学习英语。

6.So I still could keep a good spirit state while I learning Engpsh.因此,当我学习英语的时候,我仍然能够保持一种较好的精神状态。

7.Why am I learning engpsh ? because I love engpsh and two people woke me up.我为什么学习英文,因为我爱英文和有两个人唤醒了我

8.DO you know i learning on my way to school everyday?您可否知道我每天在上学的路上都在学习?

9.I Learning boxing and coipng spghtly (three parts)一、拳学阐微(三碟)