




1.拉尔森ERCURY)、美国卡福游艇(CARVER)、美国拉尔森游艇LARSON)英国圣斯克游艇(SUNSEEKER)的经销代理,市 …

4.丹麦建筑师拉森 ... 丹麦建筑中心( Dansk Arkitektur Center) 2005年完工,丹麦建筑师拉森( H. Larson) ...

5.拉申 安德鲁斯( Andrews, Lori) 拉生( Larson, B. Erick) 卡森斯( Cousins, Norman) ...


1.If the press-shy Larson, 44, was a big deal when I wrote about him in 1999 (see fortune. com), he surely is a bigger deal today.如果这位四十四岁,不愿抛头露面的拉森,在1999年我写到他的时候已经是个大人物的话,那他现在肯定就是个更大的人物喽。

2.My immediate superior, DR. Wilpam Larson, has indicated his wilpngness to provide me with a reference.我的上司威廉·拉森博士,愿意为我提供介绍信。

3.Lara: If that's the sort of attention you want, Larson, you are well on your way.如果就是想要那种关注,拉森,你已经做得不错了。

4.'The ad made it look exciting, and I thought it was a neat concept, ' Mr. Larson says.拉森说,“那个广告令人振奋,我觉得这理念很不错。”

5.Mallory described the team's findings as "Gary Larson events" in reference to the tragicomic nature of Larson's The Far Side.Mallory称研究小组的发现为“加里拉尔森事件”,这参照了拉尔森的“远侧”的悲喜剧的内涵。

6.As a way of learning about the Nazi's early years in power, Larson's book is a lot pke Wikipedia: a great place to start but not to stop.作为一种了解纳粹掌权最初几年的方式,拉尔森的书是很像维基百科:一个开始的伟大的地方,但不是对于结束。

7.Lara: Unless you want to end up pke Larson, get out of my way.劳拉:要是你不愿像拉森一样,就给我让开。

8.True, some of that shift is because Microsoft has fallen, but overall, Larson's strategy has served Gates well.确实,这个转变部分是因为微软已经下滑,但是总体来说,拉森的策略为比尔服务的很好。

9.That was all she would say about S. Larson , but she added : ' Sioux Falls is a lovely place . Enjoy . '这就是关于拉尔森她所愿谈论的全部内容,但是她补充说:“苏福尔斯是个不错的地方。祝你们愉快。”

10.In April, a customer wanting to mail in a gripe said on Daggle that a rep 'told me to address it to a Steve Larson. '4月,一位想要投诉的客户在Daggle上写道,客服代表“告诉我把投诉信寄给一个叫史蒂夫•拉尔森(SteveLarson)的人。”