




1.远大集团 ... 龙湖地产有限公司 Longfor Group 远大科技集团有限公司 Broad Group 友达光电股份有限公司 AU Optronics C…

3.中国远大集团干部们不该受废气之苦,不久前获知,生产空气净化器的远大科技集团公司Broad Group)为中共在北京的办公室安装了20…

6.博大集团典、丹麦、挪威、加拿大、澳洲、香港、南韩和新加坡,大团体(broad group)则在加上26个其他国家。


1.Lipids consist of a broad group of compounds that are generally soluble In organic solvents but only sparIngly soluble In water.油脂中包含大量化合物,它们一般溶于有机溶剂而仅微溶于水。

2.The headquarters of Broad Group is in Changsha China, and its products have covered more than 70 countries.远大集团总部在中国长沙,产品覆盖70多个国家。

3.The SCMP said Broad Group, a Hunan-based air conditioner maker, had touted the Zhongnanhai air purifiers on its website.《南华早报》说,湖南空调生产商远大集团(BroadGroup)曾在其网站上吹嘘中南海这批空气净化器。

4.Broad Group, a Chinese maker of air conditioners, taps the waste heat from buildings to power its machines.中国的空调制造商远大集团,利用建筑散发的废热为机器提供动力;

5.With 86% of deaths in this Region caused by this broad group of diseases, I can understand why the plan is so tough and targeted.在本区域死亡总数中,86%的人死于这一组涵盖较广的疾病,因此,我理解为何这一行动计划如此严厉和有针对性。

6.Broad Group has developed a miniature device for measuring air pollution that can fit into mobile phones.远大集团发明了一种能够装在手机上的小型设备用于测量空气污染。

7.'Obviously they can't be solved by countries alone. . . and it's much better to try to bring a broad group of countries together. '他说,很明显,这些问题无法由个别国家解决,把一大群国家集中到一起来解决,就会好得多。