


美式发音: ['brɔd.weɪ] 英式发音: ['brɔːd.weɪ]






Broadway显示所有例句n.— see alsooff-Broadway

1.百老汇(美国纽约市戏院集中的一条大街);(美国的)戏剧业a street in New York City where there are many theatres, sometimes used to refer to the US theatre industry in general

a Broadway musical百老汇音乐剧

The play opened on Broadway in 2008.该剧于 2008 年在百老汇首演。




na.1.a street in New York City with many theaters where you can see popular plays and musicals

1.百老汇OTH JAZZ)蓝调爵士 (BLUE JAZZ)百老汇爵士 (BROADWAY)


8.百老滙百老滙BROADWAY)、华尔街(WALL STREET)亦是造访的景点,1789年华盛顿宣誓就任总统就在附近一栋三体合一敎 …


1.But Peter Smith, a counsellor at Broadway Lodge, said the addiction was serious and had to be treated.百老汇旅馆的辅导员彼得·史密斯(PeterSmith)称,网瘾问题很严重,治疗是必需的。

2.Broadway babies are shows that have always had a special place in the heart of the wide world of performing.百老汇宝贝音乐剧在世界表演艺术中占有特殊的一席。

3.Mr. Hwang did not disagree with the pnk to "M. Butterfly, " which he said he bepeved would have a Broadway revival in the next few years.黄先生同意与《蝴蝶君》的联系,他说他相信这部戏几年内会在百老汇重新上演。

4.He disappears into a crowd on Broadway and I head to a sandwich shop, looking for a bite to eat.他消失在百老汇的人流中,而我转身走向一家三明治店,随便吃点东西。

5.The musical also boasted a state-of-the-art stage design that could rival that of a Broadway and West-end production.音乐剧也因为其拥有夸到由Broadway百老汇和West-end制作设计艺术性的舞台而自豪。

6.Finding a seat on one of the red plush divans close to the great windows which look out on Broadway's busy rout , he sat musing.他在大窗户旁边的一只红丝绒长沙发上坐了下来,窗外看得见百老汇大街的喧闹景象,他坐在那里想着心事。

7.One reason for the continuing popularity of " The Fantasticks" was that it was different from large musicals playing in Broadway theaters.《异想天开》的持续流行的一个原因是它与百老汇剧院的其他大型音乐剧不同。

8.The walk down Broadway, then as now, was one of the remarkable features of the city.漫步百老汇大街,在当时也和现在一样,是这个城市引人注目的特色之一。

9.And just as visitors to New York flock to Broadway, tourists in Seoul may be drawn by a robot actress, he said.他说,就像人们到了纽约都要去百老汇一样,人们到了首尔可能也会想去看机器人演戏。

10."If I shine shoes on Broadway, " Mr. Abraham said he told him, "he'll be shining shoes next to me. "亚伯拉罕对大卫说“我会像兄弟一样对待他,和他同进退。”