




1.布若卡氏区,有一个言语运动区,即布鲁德曼第44、45区,亦称布洛卡区(Broca s area),它通过邻近的运动区控制说话时的舌头和颚的 …

3.布罗卡区神经科学界很早就发现,位于人类左脑前额叶的布罗卡区Broca s area)和颞叶后方的维尼克区(Wernicke s area)与语言的 …

4.布洛克氏区脑部有两个区域和语言有关:额叶的布洛克氏区(Broca s area)和颞叶的沃尼克氏区(Wernicke s area)


1.In what have come to be known as Broca's area, Wernicke's area and angular gyrus, all located in the left hemisphere of the brain.位于被称为布罗卡区、韦尼克区和角形脑回的区域,它们都位于大脑左半球。

2.One is Broca's area at the front. The other is Wernicke's area further back in the brain.另一个观点是在前额布罗卡区域,其它是在大脑后部的韦克尼氏区域。

3.An aphasia associated with damage to the Broca's area of the brain, demonstrated by the impairment in producing understandable speech.一种失语症与大脑波尔卡区域受损有关,主要表现在所表达的内容不被理解。

4.The human mirror neuron system does include Broca's area, a fundamental language-related cortical center.人类的镜像神经元系统确实包括布罗卡区在内,那可是大脑皮质最基本且重要的语言中枢。

5.One is Broca's area at the front.其中一个就是脑前部的布洛卡区。

6.The investigators also detected activation in Broca's area when the controls smelled famipar odors.研究人员还发现,当对照组闻到熟悉气味时,Broca区有激活。

7.From Wernicke's area, information travels to Broca's area, then to the Primary Motor Cortex.从威尔尼克区再传到布鲁卡区,然后到初级运动皮质。

8.In the past decade research has revealed that Broca's area also contains a representation of the hands.过去十多年的研究发现,布罗卡区也控制手语表达。

9.But the new study shows that Broca's area is involved in both speaking andcomphrehensioncomprehension.但是新的研究表明,布洛克区域同时涉及到了说话和理解。

10.But the new study shows that Broca's area is involved in both speaking and comprehension.但是新研究表明布罗卡区域既包含说话也包含理解。