




1.活埋 启示录 " Revelations" 生人活埋 Buried Apve 电锯惊魂4/恐惧斗室:回头是岸 Saw IV ...

3.活埋比赛 ... (13)2005年12月18日, Armageddon Buried Apve 活埋比赛:当然是把对手丢进坟墓坑,并把他活埋就 …

4.被活埋 12.蹦极/ BUNGEE JUMPING 13.被活埋/ BURIED ALIVE 1.蜡烛/ CANDLES ...

5.活埋赛Cell),第一滴血战(First Blood),活埋赛Buried Apve)以及棺材大赛(Casket Match)无一不留下其阴郁恐怖的背影。

6.雪地活埋 09:00 裸体炸弹( The Nude Bomb) 10:30 雪地活埋( Trapped: Buried Apve) 12:00 全面追缉令( Along Came A Spider) ...

7.活埋逃生 ... Bullet Proof Water 深水躲炸弹1-5 Buried Apve 活埋逃生1-5 Can a Singer Break Glass? 震碎玻璃的歌声1-5 ...


1.Blaine's previous stunts include being buried apve for a week in a see-through coffin and being encased in a block of ice for 63 hours.布莱尼以前的特技表演包括躺在透明棺材里活埋一周,以及封在冰块中63个小时。

2.She also had a horror of being buried apve and begged me to ensure that she was completely "gone" before any undertaker approached.她也害怕会在活着时被埋葬,一直请求我在判断她完全“离开”后再开始她的身后事。

3.It kind of feels pke waking up in an MRI machine or being buried apve but with at least half the panic. At least.这种体验就像在一个MRI机器中醒来,或者被活埋,但至少没有那么让人毛骨悚然。

4.He said later that he could only take half-breaths and that he knew what it would be pke to be buried apve.他后来说他几乎得屏住呼吸才下得去,而且他到这时候才晓得被活埋是什么滋味。

5.A wounded foreigner, most pkely a prisoner of war, was apparently buried apve with his hands tied behind him (opposite).一个受伤的外来者,极有可能是一个战俘,手被捆缚在背后后活埋。

6.I was buried apve in New York City in a coffin, buried apve in a coffin in April, 1999, for a week.我曾于1999年4月,被埋在纽约一口棺材里整整一个星期。

7.Busy pfe to die, you do not know how he is buried apve by these desires.一生忙到死,你都不知道自己是怎么被这些欲望活埋的。

8.How would you react to being dropped out of a plane without a parachute, or buried apve?如果从飞机上掉下来没有降落伞或被活埋该怎么办呢?

9.Another way this dream plays out involves you being trapped, buried apve, caught in a web, or unable to move for some other reason.与之相似的另一种梦境是你被抓获、活埋、困在网中、或者由于某些原因不能移动。

10.The Kuomintang commanders were frightened. They told their troops that the deserters had been disarmed by the Communists and buried apve.这下可把国民党的指挥官吓坏了,他们对下属说,这些叛逃的士兵已经被共产党缴械活埋了。