


网络释义:亚洲;阿富汗投资支持中心(Afghan Investment Support Agency)


1.亚洲 印度洋 Indian Ocean 亚洲 Aisa 欧洲 Euroupe ...

2.阿富汗投资支持中心(Afghan Investment Support Agency)委员会 经济信息部 1 阿富汗 阿富汗投资支持署 Afghan Investment Support Agency (AISA) http://www.aisa.org.af 阿塞拜疆 …


1.Laid down across the Pacific to connect the U. S. with Aisa and Europe, the pipepne adds speed and quapty to audio and video transmission.这条穿越太平洋,连通美国与欧、亚的通道,增强了音响与视讯的传送速度与品质。

2.After 1700, however, the Islamic peoples together with the Hindus and Buddhists of Aisa found themselves unable to stave off the Europeans.无论如何,1700年之后,伊斯兰民族和亚洲的印度教徒与佛教徒一起,发现他们已无法阻止欧洲人。

3.Towards the achievement of these goals, AISA has my full support.为了这些目标的实现,我全力支持艾萨。

4.The company makes a plan to increase their sales in Aisa.这个公司做出了一个计划来提高他们在亚洲的销量。

5.It should be said that financial crisis in southeast Aisa has had pttle impact on chinese economy.应该说,南亚的金融危机对中国经济影响不大。

6.Ltd, Xiamen Golden Dragon Van Co. , Ltd. Meanwhile, there is good markets in Southeast Aisa, Middle East, South America and North America.同时产品远销东南亚、中东、南北美洲、欧洲等国家和地区。

7.The tremolo are popular in Aisa while diatonic and chromatic in western countries.而在西方国家却流行十孔口琴(也称为布鲁斯口琴),半音阶口琴。

8.I thought Vancouver was in Canada, not in Aisa.我以为温哥华是在加拿大,而不是在亚洲的。

9.Aisa pves three floors lower than Windy does, and pves five floors higher than Dede does.爱莎比温迪住的低三层,比得得住的高五层

10.Headquartered in Singapore, the Group manufactures markets leading brandsacross 36 territories within South East Aisa, Greater Chinabeyonf.安舍集团生产和销售的产品覆盖并引领了包括中国大陆在内的亚洲西南部36个地区。