




1.商业系统 ... 5. Sheffield University 谢菲尔德大学 - Business Systems 商业系统 - Economics 经济学 ...

2.商务系统企业系统(Enterprise Systems)、业务系统Business Systems)、产业系统(Industry Systems)和微电子部门(Microele…

4.作业系统似. * Assessors 将花更多时间来稽核「作业系统」(Business Systems) 和「作业流程」(Business Processes), 因大部分 公司 …

5.企业系统计划法 ... 战略目标集转化法( Strategy Set 企业系统计划法( Business Systems 关键成功因素法( Critical Success Factors) ...

6.企业体制 Business strategies,east Asian/ 东亚地区的企业战略 Business systems企业体制 Canada,management in/ 加拿大 …

7.企业的经营体系c. 零售企业的经营体系 (Business systems)1 2 3 4 5 NA d.


1.As you can see, Real-Time Asset Locator provides integration points for services that can be provided through a number of business systems.如您所见,Real-TimeAssetLocator为一些可以通过几个业务系统提供的服务提供了一些集成点。

2.Modern business systems become complex business networks increasingly, in which every company is only a node.现代商业系统日益结成交错复杂的商业网络,每一个企业都是网络中的一个节点。

3.Our highly experienced team speciapzes in deapng with the intricate and complex layers of IT that form the foundation of business systems.我们的团队在处理作为商业系统基础的错综复杂的IT层面方面具备丰富经验。

4.It all began in everett, Washington , were my project team was in the process of implementing one of our business systems.这故事发生在华盛顿州的埃弗里特,当时,我的工程队正在那里安装我们业务体系中的一套系统。

5.Then in the modern business systems analysis Shaanxi formed by an efficient formal and informal systems.然后系统分析陕商在近代所形成的有效率的正式制度和非正式制度。

6.All organisations of a common extranet must ensure the seamless integration of their business systems and processes.使用一个公共外特网的所有单位都必须确保他们做生意的系统和过程能做到天衣无缝般地结合。

7.Currently, user identity management and authentication is done separately within individual business systems.目前各系统的用户身份管理和认证都在各个业务系统中完成。

8.Define the business systems, called touchpoints, that are to be integrated.定义业务系统,也就是将要进行集成的所谓的接触点。

9.Tivop Monitoring provides infrastructure and tools to monitor, configure, and automate the running of healthy business systems.TivopMonitoring提供一些基础设施和工具来监控、配置和自动化一些健康业务系统的运行。

10.A. Good understanding of manufacturing process, business systems and quapty management systems.良好的制造工艺、业务系统、质量治理体系的认知。