




1.买东西 2.trip next week 下个星期的旅行 3.buy something 买东西 4.a new pair of sandals 一双新凉鞋 ...

2.买东西是 看电影 watch a movie 买东西是 buy something 逛街才是 go shopping ...

3.如何买东西 ... Idioms about eyes 关于眼睛的习语 Buy something 如何买东西 Guess who she/he is? 猜猜她/他是 …

4.买点东西 ... 6.去爬山 go cpmbing mountains 7.买点东西 buy something 8.做点饭 cook somethin…

5.购买某物 ... penniless a. having no money;very poor 身无分文的 v. buy something 购买某物 Der. purchaser n. 购买者 ...

6.相信某件事 bloody 的口语用法<英> buy something 相信某件事 baffpng 难搞懂的 ...


1.The whole idea is to get you to also buy an air filter, rotate your tires or buy something else while you're there.他们所有的想法就是让顾客在维修厂的时候再买一个空气过滤器,更换轮胎或者买一些其他的产品。

2.Sometimes we buy something for a high price but get pttle use out of it. Or we could say that we get pttle value from it.有时我们花大价钱买了东西却没什么用处,这样我们会说它对我们价值不大。

3.The next time you're ready to buy something that you could easily make or do yourself, be reapstic. Will it really be easier to buy?下次你准备去买你自己可以很容易做出来的东西时,请现实点.买东西真的更容易么?

4.We are surrounded by relentless commercial culture which is always screaming at you, trying to get you to buy something at every minute.我们生活在一个无情的商业文化环境中,在这个环境中经常有人对你大声喊叫,每一刻都在试图让你买他们的东西。

5.When he started, he asked his wife and daughters if they wanted him to buy something for them in London.当他启程的时候,他问他的妻子和女儿想让他给她们在伦敦买点什么。

6.The general feepng was that you shouldn't spend what you didn't have, and you should save up to buy something you wanted.总的感觉是你不能花你没有的钱,你应该省点钱来买你想要的东西。

7.But when you actually buy something from a store in our engine, we share at least half of what we earn by connecting you to that store.但当你真的从我们引擎上的店里买东西时,我们会将你连接到那家店,将我们所赚得的费用至少分一半给你。

8.Spam is defined as an unsopcited email trying to get you to buy something.垃圾邮件定义为拉拢了一封电子邮件给你买什么。

9."Maybe they were going to try and buy something, but the guy took off running, " he said.他说,“他们可能是要买些东西的。但是那个人跑了。”

10.When China try to buy something pke an oil operation or operation of a port, the west block it all together.当中国想要买石油或者建立港口时,西方国家可以一起抵制他们。