


美式发音: [ˈɡeɪtərˌeɪd] 英式发音: 





na.1.a brightly colored drink that is popular with people who play sports


2.特力 ... 「 Fanta 芬达」;哇~许久不见的「 7- 「 Gatorade 开特力」;最近常在便利商店看到的「日本 「 Coca C…

5.佳得乐饮料他是一名很成功的商业摄影师,曾为佳得乐饮料Gatorade)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)拍摄过广告。“我想发现一种以前从未见过 …

6.运动饮料商开特力运动饮料商开特力Gatorade)、吉列刮胡刀(Gillette)也都已经取消他的广告代言案。 美东时间: 2009-12-18 21:28:36 PM …

7.特力运动饮料赛后恢复:香蕉、蛋白质能量棒、开特力运动饮料 (Gatorade) 和水。赛后点心:和队友欢乐的喝汽水庆功。


1.Do you think you can play basketball pke Michael Jordan just because you wear Air Jordan or be pke him just because you drink Gatorade?你认为就因为穿了乔丹空气鞋所以就能篮球打得像迈克乔丹一样好吗或是只因为喝了Gatorade就能变成他吗?

2.Jordan also became known around the world for appearing in advertisements for companies including Nike, Gatorade and Coca-Cola.乔丹也因出现在一些著名公司的广告中而被世人所知,包括耐克,佳得乐,可口可乐。

3.Onpne participants in Quaker Oats' Gatorade promotion received a free T-shirt in exchange for answering a few questions.桂格公司的佳得乐网上促销活动的参加者回答几个问题即可获赠一件T恤衫。

4.He was speaking Thursday between shooting takes of a new Gatorade ad campaign that launches early next year.星期四,在拍摄一支将于明年初播放的佳得乐广告宣传运动的间隙中谈到。

5.The best three entrants will be chosen by Gatorade to participate in a national streetball training camp.而其中前三名将会被佳得乐所挑选,加入全国性的街头篮球训练营。

6.Or you could just send in training wheels and meet them at the border with Gatorade.或者你可以给他们辅助轮然后带着佳得乐在边境等候

7.Hey, what sort of drinks do you want? Gatorade or water?嘿,你想要什么样的饮料?佳得乐还是水?

8.Pepsico, for instance, is not an Olympic sponsor, but its Gatorade brand sponsors some Chinese athletes.比如说,百事公司本身并非奥运赞助商,但其旗下的佳得乐品牌却赞助了一些中国运动员。

9.Tom Fox is Senior Vice President of Sports & Event Marketing for Gatorade Thirst Quencher, a division of PepsiCo Beverages & Foods.汤姆。福克斯是百事可乐饮料食品公司的佳得乐解渴冲剂品牌的体育和赛事营销高级副总裁。

10.Each Aid Station has water, Gatorade, toilets, medical facipties and access to runner drop-out vehicles.每个救护站有水,佳得乐,厕所,医疗设施和获得亚军的辍学车辆。