




1.中央电视台纪录频道 ... 央视4套 CCTV-4 央视9套 CCTV-9 北京卫视-5 BTV-5 ...


7.中央电视台第九套电视节目但交换条件,就是新闻集团协助中央电视台第九套电视节目CCTV-9)在美国和欧洲落地。当时鲁伯特·默多克认为:这是 … …


1."Nine out of 10 Chinese hate the CCTV building, " says a senior manager at state-owned flag carrier Air China.“10个中国人里有9个不喜欢新央视大楼,”最大的国有航空公司中国国航(AirChina)的一位高级经理表示。

2.Liu Xin, the first champion of the national contest, is now an anchorperson of CCTV-9.刘欣是第一届全国比赛的冠军,现在是中央电视台国际频道的一位新闻节目主持人。

3.This article deals with the specific methods of learning Engpsh by watching CCTV Channel 9 Engpsh programs.本文阐述了通过观看电视英语节目,提高英语听说能力的具体方法。

4.The CCTV fire on Feb. 9 ignited a storm of questioning about the institution's management.2月9日央视大楼火灾引发对央视管理层的质疑风暴。

5.In this February 9 2009 file photo, the north wing of the CCTV's new tower is engulfed in flames.在2009年2月9日的档案照片中,央视新楼北翼被大火吞没。

6.Just turn on the TV and switch to CCTV channel 9. There's striking news.赶快打开电视,拨到中央九台,有重大新闻。

7.CLICK HERE to view our Managing Director on CCTV-9 Dialogue.点击这里去看我们在CCTV-9台的董事总经理。

8.She is from CCTV 9 which is China's Engpsh International Channel.她来自中国中央电视台9套中国国际英文频道。

9.And don't forget to watch TV, for example, CCTV 9, and films in Engpsh.并且不要忘记看电视,比如,中央9台,还有英语电影。

10.vipna: I have seen the cctv-9, in which people speak Engpsh so fast that I could hardly understand. There are so many new words for me,我看了CCTV-9了,那些人英语说的好快我都听不懂。对我来说有好多不认识的单词。