





7.鲁梅拉油田)伊拉克官员今天说,南部输油管线遭炸弹攻击后,国内鲁梅拉油田Rumaila)产量从每日约140万桶缩减了一半,但原油 …


1.BP, the British energy company, has won the right to redevelop Rumaila, Iraq's biggest oilfield, in partnership with CNPC of China.英国石油(BP)已获得重新开发伊拉克最大油田鲁迈拉(Rumaila)油田的资格,其合作伙伴是中国石油(CNPC)。

2.Analysts said Rumaila was the most attractive of the eight contracts on offer in the auction.分析人士称,鲁迈拉油田是这次拍卖中出售的8份合同中最有吸引力的一个。

3.IT TAKES over an hour to drive the length of Rumaila oilfield in southern Iraq.驱车穿越伊拉克南部的鲁迈拉油田,要花费一个多小时的时间。

4.Water needs to be injected into wells at Rumaila to create enough pressure to extract the oil.需要把水注入鲁迈拉的油井以产生足够的压力使石油被压出来。

5.Iraqi officials hailed the sole award for the Rumaila field, bepeved to have 17 bilpon barrels in oil reserves.伊拉克官员对鲁迈拉油田达成开发协议表示满意,该油田石油储备据称高达170亿桶。

6.Iraq's cabinet has ratified a deal with two foreign energy companies to develop the giant southern oilfield in Rumaila.伊拉克内阁核准了与两家外国能源公司在南部鲁迈拉大油田进行开采的协议。

7.The Rumaila field, contracted to BP and China National Petroleum Corporation, includes an area ten miles long studded with mines.与英国石油公司及中国石油天然气集团公司都有合约的鲁迈拉油田,有10英里长的地区富含矿藏。

8.and BP has formed a partnership with China National Petroleum Corp to develop the giant Rumaila oil field in Iraq.BP已经与中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)建立了合作关系,以共同开发伊拉克庞大的鲁迈拉(Rumaila)油田。

9.That contract covers the Rumaila oilfield, Iraq's second largest.该合同包括了伊拉克第二大的鲁迈拉油田。

10.Rumaila's reserves are estimated at close to 18bn barrels.鲁迈拉油田的储量估计接近180亿桶。