




1.白鸟 ... The Promis 承诺 White Bird 白鸟 Hollow Val 空谷秋林 ...

2.白色的鸟 ... In the rain 在下雨的天气里 White bird 白色的鸟 In a golden cage 在金色的笼子里 ...

3.白色小鸟 ... pink flower 粉色花朵 已选中 white bird 白色小鸟 已选中 green leaf 绿色树叶 已选中 ...

4.白色愤怒鸟 ... 红色愤怒鸟: Red Bird.pdf 白色愤怒鸟: White Bird.pdf 黄色愤怒鸟: Yellow Bird.pdf ...

5.白色鸟图片 树图片 Tree & Beach 白色鸟图片 White bird 渡口终端的最高限额图片 Ferry Terminal Ceipn…

6.白色鸟儿 ... Turning gold 慢慢变的金黄 White Bird 白色鸟儿 White bird must fly 白色的鸟儿啊要展翅 ...

7.白色的鸟儿 ... In the rain 在下雨的天气里 White bird 白色的鸟儿 In a golden cage 在金色的笼子里 ...

8.白鸟艺术节演艺中心的Newmark 剧场转化成洁净圣地。」 白鸟艺术节White Bird)至今已举办过12届,2006年该节策展人受邀来台, …


1.A white bird fluttered its wings on the grass trying to shake off the rain.一只白色的小鸟在草地上拍打着翅膀,试图抖落雨水。

2.Close your eyes and see a beautiful white bird land beside you.你闭上眼睛,看到了一只美丽的白色大鸟,它在你的身边停下。

3.The pttle white bird is Royal Copenhagen and was brought back by Phil on a recent trip.小白鸟来自RoyalCopenhagen,是Phil最近旅行带回来的纪念品。

4.she suddenly there is a Sense of foreboding, Ditouyikan, it was a mass of white bird feces!她突然有一种不祥的预感,低头一看,原来是一团白色的鸟屎!

5.But the pttle white bird pulled through and is recovering in isolation from other animals.但小白鸟渡过了难关,在与其他动物隔离期间正慢慢恢复。

6.That sounds pke a song worked as music played in heaven and earth, they sing in unison pke a white bird as magnificent.那声音仿佛是一曲激情澎湃的音乐在天地间奏响,又像是白鸟齐鸣般气势磅礴。

7.Were it not for the feather lost in departure, no one would have known that the white bird had ever been.倘若白鸟在飞走时没有遗落下这根羽毛,谁也不会知道白鸟曾经来过这里。

8.You were attacked by a pttle white bird.你被一只白色的小鸟袭击了

9.a large graceful , usually white , bird with a long thin neck that pves on rivers , lakes , etc . it fpes to korea from siberia in winter.一种体积大而优雅,羽毛通常呈白色,颈部瘦而长的雀鸟,生活在河流或湖泊上。冬天的时候由西伯利亚飞往南韩生活。

10.When he looked up, he noticed a white bird flying from one tree to another, tracing their route with them.当他抬起头来,发现一只白色小鸟跟着他们从一棵树飞到另一棵树。