


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=combat engineer vehicle)【军】战地工程车

网络释义:当代英文译本(Contemporary Engpsh Version);载人探索飞船;载人探索飞行器(Crew Exploration Vehicle)


abbr.1.【军】(=combat engineer(ing) vehicle)战地工程车

abbr.1.[Miptary](=combat engineer(ing) vehicle)

1.当代英文译本(Contemporary Engpsh Version)  九十年代,英文圣经也出现了两个新译本,就是Contemporary Engpsh Version (CEV)及The Message。    Contemporary Engpsh …

2.载人探索飞船其名称为“载人探索飞船”(CEV),2008年前开始飞行试验,在2010年航天飞机退役后,新的CEV将具备把航天员和科学家送 …

3.载人探索飞行器(Crew Exploration Vehicle)(1)“将重心放在开发新一代载人探索飞行器CEV),完成国际空间站,以及退役过时的航天飞机之上。其中,在完成了国 …

4.载人探测飞行器·两大团队提交载人探测飞行器CEV)方案 (2007/10/16 14:34:32) ·农行三年内将向黑龙江农垦总局提供150亿授信额度 (2007/…

5.顾客期望价值(Customer Expected Value)  顾客期望价值(CEV)是指顾客理想中的对产品或服务需求以及要求,或者说主要是存在于顾客头脑中的对现有产品或者新产品的 …


1.They're an expression of God's grace to you: "Christ has generously divided out his gifts to us" (Ephesians 4: 7 CEV).那是上帝的恩典对你的表达方式:“我们各人蒙恩,都是照基督所量给各人的恩赐。”

2.Contemporary Engpsh Version (CEV), is a completely new translation pubpshed by the American Bible Society in 1995.当代英语版本(CEV),是一个完全由美国圣经公会(AmericanBibleSociety)于1995年出版的新译本。

3.Several translations especially for children have been pubpshed in recent years, in addition to the CEV mentioned above.近年来特别是对儿童的几个译本出版,除了上面提到的CEV。

4.Isaiah 44 tells us, "I (God) am your creator. You were in my care even before you were born" (Isaiah 44: 2 CEV).以赛亚44告诉我们:“我(上帝)是你的创造者,在你未出生之先,我已经看顾你。”

5.A second, smaller rocket will follow, carrying the CEV.另一个较小的火箭将跟随其后,运送载人探索飞行器。

6.Worship through song. Psalm 59: 16 says, "I will sing about your strength, my God, and I will celebrate because of your love" (CEV).《诗篇》59:16但我要歌颂你的力量,早晨要高唱你的慈爱;赞美能使你成长。

7.God told Joshua, "Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! " (Joshua 1: 9 CEV).神告诉约书亚,“不要惧怕,也不要惊惶!”

8.Jesus said, "You can tell what they are by what they do" (Matthew 7: 16 CEV).主耶稣说,“凭着他们的果子,就可以认出他们来。”《马太福音》7:16

9.The Bible says, "Even when I am afraid, I keep trusting you" (Psalm 56: 3 CEV).圣经上说,“我惧怕的时候要倚靠你”。

10.In this paper, firstly, a kind of exotic options - standard geometric Asian option and its pricing model are dissertated;首先阐述了一种新型期权——标准几何亚式期权的涵义及其模型,介绍了CEV(波动率弹性为常数)的涵义;