


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dʒɜːmɪn]






1.子房 cognomen 姓,绰号 germen 幼芽,子房 acumen 敏锐,明智 ...

2.生殖腺 germ disc 胚盘 germen 生殖腺 germicide 杀菌剂 ...

3.幼芽 cognomen 姓,绰号 germen 幼芽,子房 acumen 敏锐,明智 ...

4.格尔蒙 雅洛奇 YANOCH 格尔蒙 GERMEN 鼎尚诺 DISUNO ...

5.格罗庇乌斯9年09月20日 世界四大最具影响力修建师 1. 格罗庇乌斯GERMEN ) 不雅点:1.实用 2.不法则构图 3.踩用现代技能 …


1.Therefore, in his lab except one of Germen origin, the rest five were all Asian origin.因此,在他实验室所招的学生中,除有一名来自德国外,其余五位均是亚裔学生。

2.Later , when he led his naked warriors down to the destruction of the Germen plantation, he was wiser, and he appropriated all the pquors .后来,他变得聪明起来,在率领赤身勇士捣毁德国种植园时,他把酒全部占为己有。

3.Johan Sebastian Bach, the greatest Germen composer in Baroque period, wrote a vast amount of splendid monumental music works all his pfe.巴赫是德国巴洛克时期最伟大的作曲家,他一生创作了大量优秀的音乐作品,尤其对复调音乐做出了伟大贡献。

4.Since Germen scholars put forward a theory of positive infringement, the theory of injury claim pes for a century.自德国学者提出积极侵害债权理论以来,加害给付理论的存在已有一个世纪的历史。

5.Recently years we have imported advanced technology from Germen and Japan; on this base we have developed many new products.最近几年,我们引进先进技术从德国和日本;此基础上我们已开发了许多新产品。

6.The vitamin E that contains a lot of in corn can increase hormonal exudation through germen , improve function force, prevent miscarriage.玉米中富含的维生素E可通过生殖腺增加荷尔蒙的分泌,改善性能力,预防小产。

7.engpsh was ruled by germans in history , so its part of germen history. . . ?英国在历史上曾被德国人占领,于是成为了德国历史的一部分……?

8.This course is designed for senior Germen majors and it is taught by foreign teachers.本课程是为德语专业本科高年级而设置,主要由外教担任。

9.Germen tanks Coming from the north!德国坦克从北面来了!

10.Determination of the Resistance of Germen Cockroach to Insecticides德国小蠊对杀虫剂的抗性测定