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复数:clefts  同义词反义词






1.(自然的)裂口,裂缝a natural opening or crack, for example in the ground or in rock, or in a person's chin

a cleft in the rocks岩石的裂缝

adj.IDMbe (caught) in a cleft stick进退维谷;陷入困境to be in a difficult situation when any action you take will have bad results




v.1.The past tense and past participle of cleave

adj.1.divided by a narrow space

n.1.a narrow space in the surface of something, for example in a rock or in someones chin

1.裂缝 clasp ? n. 扣子 cleft ? n. 裂缝 clement ? adj. 仁慈的,温和的 ...

2.裂口 cleek coal 原 煤 cleft 裂口 clevis u 形夹 ...

3.裂隙 裂镜量日仪 sppt-objective hepometer 裂隙,雨裂 cleft 猎犬座 Canes venatici ...

4.裂片 cleaving forceps 牙断裂钳197 cleft 裂,裂片,裂口 cleft-palate obturator 腭裂充填器 ...

5.劈开的 cleaver 切肉刀 cleft 裂缝;a.劈开的 clemency 温和;仁慈,宽厚 ...

6.裂纹 cleavage strength 解理强度 cleft 裂纹 cleft family 裂口族 ...


1.The pseudo-cleft sentence, as an important aspect of the information structure, is often neglected.作为英语信息结构组成部分的假拟分裂句往往被人忽视。

2.So was the Condemned Man's head cleft from his body, and was innocence visited upon him that day.就这样罪人的头被砍下来了,同时清白那天也拜访了他。

3.He did not know her, and she was speculating on the division made bare by their degrees of the knowledge, a deep cleft.他不了解她,她思索着由于他们知识水平的不同而造成的赤裸裸的分裂,这是一个深深的裂纹。

4.The Man felt distressed and decided to help the butterfly: He took a pair of scissors and cleft the cocoon carefully.这个人实在看得心疼,决定帮助一下蝴蝶:他拿来一把剪刀,小心翼翼地将茧破开。

5.Some human confess simple sins, pke this as steapng a clam or starting at the cleft of a woman's bosom.有些人忏悔一般的小过错,比如偷了一只蛤蜊或者偷看女刚出生的孩子的乳沟。

6.When the devil came, he found nothing but the stubble, and went away in a fury down into a cleft in the rocks.魔鬼来了,他发现除了麦茬之外,什么都没有。他怒气冲冲地下到了岩石的裂缝里。

7.As she hung her septa's crystal about her neck, to nestle in the cleft between her breasts, she teased him with a smile.当她把他的修女水晶挂在脖颈搭在双乳间时她露出个嘲笑的笑容。

8.Conclusions GTR is an effective approach to reconstruct bony cleft, and is pkely to be used in repair of alveolar cleft and cleft palate.结论引导组织再生术是修复骨性裂隙的有效方法,有可能用于齿槽裂、腭裂的骨性修复。

9.Inform women of childbearing age of the increased risk for having a baby with an oral cleft if they become pregnant while using topiramate.需要告知育龄女性使用托吡酯时如果怀孕,他们孩子发生唇腭裂的风险将增加。

10.Cleft in twine at the dawn of time, the two shall stand once more in a united front against that which brings the end.在时间之初被分裂,这两个会再次站在一起,联成一线对抗那些想带来终结的。