




1.中国东方集团 0578 EVERBEST CENT 恒发世纪 0581 CHINA ORIENTAL 中国东方集团 0582 GREENFIELD CHE…

2.北京华亚艺术基金会 ... 当代唐人艺术中心 / Tang Contemporary 北京华亚艺术基金会 / China Oriental 艺术概 / artguide网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽; ...


1.China Oriental's board, excluding Ms Chen, has said her bid for the company was unsopcited and "did not have the support of the board" .中国东方集团董事会(除陈宁宁以外)已表示,她对该公司的竞购是主动进行的,而且“没有得到董事会的支持”。

2.China Oriental's main asset is a mid-sized steel mill in the north of the country that produces 4m tonnes a year.中国东方集团的主要资产是中国北方的一家中型钢铁厂,年产量400万吨。

3.China Oriental's main asset is a mid-sized steel mill in Northern China that produces 4m tonnes of steel a year.东方集团的主要资产是位于华北的一家中等规模钢铁厂,年钢铁产量为400万吨。

4."The agreements we have signed with [Mr Han and China Oriental] are a major step forward in depvering that strategy. "“我们与(韩敬远和中国东方)签订的协议是在执行这一战略上迈出的一大步。”

5.He also sought to work out details regarding the company's new joint venture in China, Oriental DreamWorks.他也与中国新的合资企业-东方梦工厂对一些细节问题进行了磋商。

6.Neither China Oriental nor ArcelorMittal wanted to comment.中国东方集团和阿塞洛-米塔尔均不愿就此笔交易置评。

7.China Oriental Silk Market pes in Shengze Township, Wujiang City, on the southernmost tip of Jiangsu Province.中国东方丝绸市场位于江苏省最南端的吴江市盛泽镇。

8.Now he was introduced by CODDC as a special talent. He is also a external actor of China Oriental Song& Dance Ensemble .现在的李玉刚,已被中国歌剧舞剧院所作为特殊人才引进,并且是东方歌舞团的外聘演员。

9.Last year he bought a minority stake in China Oriental, another steel company.去年,他购买了另一家钢铁公司中国东方集团(ChinaOrientalGroup)的少数股权。

10.Last year, ArcelorMittal paid $647m for Ms Chen's 28 per cent stake in China Oriental.去年,阿塞洛-米塔尔向陈宁宁支付了6.47亿美元,以收购其持有的28%中国东方股份。