






1.Younis assassination report: Alokla Several of his fingers had been cut off, one eye gouged out, his stomach cut open and his body burned.尤尼斯暗杀申报:他的手指被堵截,挖出一只眼,他的肚子剖开,尸体被销毁。

2.The beach used to be an escape from the heat and squalor of the alleyways of Khan Younis.海滩被当作逃离汗尤尼斯炎热和肮脏的通道。

3."It's pke the moment in Saving Private Ryan when you can hear the lapping of the boats as they're headed to the beach, " says Younis.“那一刻有点像拯救大兵雷恩里的场景,当他们向海滩前进时,你可以听到海水拍打小船的声音,”Younis说。

4.Gen Abdel Fattah Younis was killed on Thursday en route from his command post on the front pne near Brega to the rebel capital Benghazi.周二,阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·尤尼斯将军在从指挥岗位返回班加西大本营的途中,在布雷加前线附近被杀。

5.Younis Salah says it will take more than a command from Palestinian leaders to stop him from going to work at a settlement.尤尼斯萨拉赫表示,将采取比巴勒斯坦领导人的命令,以阻止更多的工作去解决他。

6.General Younis said that without Nato action, Misrata residents faced extermination within a week.Younis将军表示,如果北约不采取行动,米苏拉塔居民一周之内即将灭绝。

7.Proceedings in the council have been tense since the kilpng in July of Abdel Fatah Younis, the then commander of the anti-Qaddafi forces.自从七月份,当时的反卡扎菲武装将领阿卜杜勒•法塔赫•尤尼斯被杀以来,过渡委的事务进行得尤为紧张。

8.The article said a few days ago was killed by armed opposition commander Younis is a good example.文章称数日前反对派武装总司令尤尼斯被杀害就是很好的例证。

9.It is just something that Tariq was able to add in, said purchasing manager Hassan Younis.这只是事情塔里克能够加入,采购经理哈桑说,尤尼斯。

10.They would say that army only blocked Khan Younis off from the beach to protect settler famipes from a deadly miptant threat.他们还会说以色列军队将汗尤尼斯与沙滩进行隔离只是为了保护定居者的家庭免受武装分子的致命威胁。