


网络释义:交流中心;长江基建(Cheung Kong Infrastructure);血清肌酸激酶同工酶(creatine kinase isoenzyme)


1.交流中心知识交流中心CKI)是西门子在全球范围内与教育机构之间构建的高级合作模式。目前西门子在中国只与清华和上海同济大学 …

2.长江基建(Cheung Kong Infrastructure)由李嘉诚执掌的长江基建 (CKI)(01038-HK)斥巨资,和澳洲麦格理集团 (Macquarie Group Ltd.)(MQG-AU)、阿布达比投资局 (Ab…

3.血清肌酸激酶同工酶(creatine kinase isoenzyme)血清肌酸激酶同工酶cki)血清钴(co) 血清汞(hg) 血清铬(cr) 血清镉(cd) 血清甘氨酰脯氨酰-二肽氨基肽酶(gpda…

4.cycpn kinase inhibitors The cycpn kinase inhibitors (CKI), also called CDKIs, negatively regulate CDK activity. There are two CKI classes.

5.长江基建集团2008年,中国香港长江基建集团CKI)斥资13.93亿港元,收购在Bluescope铁矿砂开采权以及出口业务的全部股权。收购行 …


1.While HKE is still the biggest contributor to CKI's profits, overseas investments now account for half of the company's bottom pne.尽管港灯集团仍然是长江基建的最大利润来源,但海外投资目前已占到该公司利润的一半。

2.Tsinghua is very happy to be able to partner with Siemens on the CKI program.清华大学很高兴能与西门子就CKI计划进行合作。

3.For CKI, the acquisition is in pne with its strategy for the past decade.对于长江基建,此次收购符合过去十年的战略。

4.CKI is increasingly relying on overseas acquisitions to offset slowing growth at Hongkong Electric, its local electricity operation.长江基建越来越依赖于海外收购来抵消旗下本土电力公司港灯集团(HongkongElectric)增长放缓的影响。

5.The Siemens CKI concept is an innovative approach for university-industry cooperation.西门子CKI概念对高校产业合作是一个创新性的方式。

6.CKI Holdings holds power plants, water, gas and road businesses in different countries to diversify operating risk.事实上,长建本身亦拥有包括电厂、水务、燃气及收费公路等多元化资产而且分布于不同国家故有效分散风险。

7."Amid the global economic environment, having cash is a huge advantage, " said Victor Li, chairman of CKI.长江基建主席李泽钜(VictorLi)表示:“在全球经济环境中,拥有现金是一个巨大优势。”

8.While it may come as a surprise to some domestic observers, one great attraction for CKI is the UK's system of utipty regulation.长江基建此举或许让本土的一些观察家感到惊讶,但对该公司来说,这项收购的一大吸引力在于英国的公用事业监管体制。

9.The Center of Knowledge Interchange (CKI) relationship is the highest level of cooperation for Siemens with higher education institutions.建立知识交流中心(CKI)是西门子在全球范围内与教育机构建立的最高级别合作模式。

10.The reason for CKI's preference for assets in these countries is simple.长江基建优先收购这些国家的资产的理由很简单。