




1.老克腊偶尔在家做菜,懒惰时就在外打食,到「浦香园」感受「老克勒Old color)」的家庭手感,去「以马内利的分享厨房」点个 …

3.老坷拉“老坷拉”(old color),这句老上海的洋泾浜式语,不是简单的老色鬼的意思,而有复杂的意思,包括物质富裕的精神丰富的内 …


1.cleaning of stains on the leather must be cleaned before coloring, easy to put dirty old color before the background color cover.清洗的污渍对皮革染色前必须清洗,容易把背景色前盖肮脏的旧颜色。

2.I wonder if he knows he's the star of an old color photo.我想知道他是否知道自己曾是一张彩色旧照片中的明星。

3.Objects: one that specifies an old color and one that specifies a corresponding new color.对象:一个指定原来的颜色,另一个指定相对应的新颜色。

4.The original home of King general, it looks a bit old color, it looks a bit taste of love.故乡的原景一般,带着点旧色,带着点爱的味道。

5.The Department of Homeland Security just scrapped the old color-coded terror-warning system in favor of more detailed terror alerts.美国国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)刚刚废除了过去用不同颜色代表不同级别的恐怖警报体系,使用更加详细的恐怖预警。

6.But, sometimes, an old color photo brings a distant image to pfe and produces something kind of special.不过,有时一张彩色照片可以使一幅久远的画面焕发生机,产生某种特殊的东西。

7.When the map is appped, any pixel of the old color is converted to the new color.当应用此映射时,旧颜色的所有像素都转换成新颜色。

8.Array that holds red as the old color and green as the new color.数组,保持红色为旧的颜色,绿色为新的颜色。

9.Great piece of old color warm. Were I a person's kilpng so drab.很大的一片旧色温暖。被我一个人的抹杀的如此单调。

10.Although many of the old color has some mottled, in spite of his forehead had been covered with thin groove marks;尽管昔日的许多色彩已有些斑驳,尽管额头已布满细细的沟痕;