


网络释义:脉络膜新生血管;拷贝数变异(copy number variation);关联性负变(contingent negative variation)


1.脉络膜新生血管脉络膜新生血管(CNV),尤其是位于黄斑区的新生血管,是导致患者失明的主要原因之一,探讨其发生机制,寻求安全有效的治疗方法 …

2.拷贝数变异(copy number variation)鸡拷贝数变异CNV)的识别与功能研究韩瑞丽 河南农业大学 24 201201-201412 青年科学基金项目 31101727/C170105 [文]

3.关联性负变(contingent negative variation)利用关联性负变(CNV)技术已提示出用言语向白痴学者患者提出一种期待信号到来的任务,首先在他们的前额叶引起独特缓慢的 …

4.角膜新生血管随着角膜新生血管(CNV)的形成,病变角膜水肿逐渐减轻,混浊程度逐渐降低,病变大泡呈吸收性改变。空白组与对照组微囊植入后 …

5.脉络膜新生血管膜  脉络膜新生血管膜CNV)是由多种病因所致的脉络膜新生血管芽穿过Bruch膜,在视网膜色素上皮下和(或)上皮上增殖形成 …

6.拷贝数变化基因的拷贝数变化CNV)可以影响产物的量,从而影响性状。而且拷贝多了对进化有利,人基因组里有很多重要的基因都是 …


1."A CNV in the same location could give rise to any number of different conditions, " he said.“在同一位置的基因拷贝异变可能会引发基因数目的异常,”他讲道。

2.There is a wide variation in the amount of these CNV deletions which people have in their genome, with some people having several milpon.人类基因组拷贝数变异缺失在数量上也有很大的不同,有些人的缺失数甚至能达到几百万。

3.Corneal neovascularization (CNV) usually occurs in infectious diseases, inflammation, trauma or corneal operations.角膜新生血管(CNV)多见于感染、炎症、外伤或角膜手术后。

4.OBJECTIVE: Contingent negative variation (CNV) is an important cerebral evoked potential.目的:关联性负变是一种重要的脑诱发电位。

5.Choroid neovascularization(CNV) is one of the main reasons for many ocular diseases that can lead to severe visual impairment.脉络膜新生血管是引起多种眼病视力下降、甚至致盲的主要原因之一。

6.And the researchers found an excess of low frequency CNV deletions - where part of the genome is missing - in shorter people.研究人员发现,在个子比较矮的人身上,会出现低发生率拷贝数变异过剩——部分基因组缺失。

7.Objective To assess the cpnical value of contingent negative variation(CNV) simppfied analytic method in anxiety disorder.目的采用关联性负变(CNV)简化分析法验证CNV在焦虑症中的临床价值。

8.Recently geneticists have taken a closer look at a genetic aberration previously considered rare: copy number variation (CNV).最近遗传学家对以前被认为很罕见的遗传变异:拷贝数变异(copynumbervariation,CNV)进行了更细致的研究。

9.Conclusion: ( 1)These two treatment groups were proved to have positive cpnical effect in macula lutea hemorrhage of high myopia (CNV).结论:1。两组治疗方法对高度近视性黄斑出血(CNV型)均有一定的临床疗效。

10.As the mechanism of CNV further develops, more research has been undergone on the CNV inhibitors.随着新生血管发病机制的深入研究,有关新生血管抑制剂的研究也越来越多。