




1.彩色笔 ... 代表律师、法官、革命家 Lawyer,Judge,Revolutionary 7. 彩色笔 Color pen 代表画家、艺术家 Painter,A…

2.彩笔 color TV 彩电 color pen 彩笔 colored pen 被染了色的笔 ...

3.水彩笔 ... 圆珠笔 BALL PEN 水彩笔 COLOR PEN 唛头笔 ink pen ...


5.喇叭筒里还有彩笔low)孩子将喇叭筒打开,除糖果(candy)外,喇叭筒里还有彩笔color pen)、卷笔刀(pencil sharpener)、小玩具(toy…

6.彩色水笔 ... 油画刀- Painting knife 彩色水笔- Color pen 胶带- Tape ...

7.彩色两用笔 color palette 调色板 color pen 颜色笔 color plan 颜色设计 ...


1.The utipty model relates to a color drawing pen for students, especially to a composite color pen which is convenient to carry and use.本实用新型涉及学生画画使用的彩笔,特别涉及一种便于携带和使用的组合型彩笔。

2.Exhibits: Stationery Set, Water Color Pen, Crayon, Water Color Cake, Push Pin, Thumb Tacks , Paper Cpps, Scientific Instrument, Etc.展品:文具套装,水彩笔,蜡笔,粉饼,工字钉,图钉,回形针,教学仪器等。

3.Water color pen with her, one by one color to the fruits of Tu.她带着水彩笔,一个一个地给果实涂颜色。

4.Jiang Yan heard, they dig out from his arms, he is also a five-color pen.江淹听了,就顺手从怀里取出一支五色笔来还他。

5.The first night, We bought some playbills and color pen before ten o'clock. . .第一天的晚上,好加再赶在十点之前买到了海报和画笔…

6.The picture can be performed by gouache color, oil painting stick, color pencil and color pen.可以用水粉色、油画棒、彩色铅笔或是彩色水笔等各种工具材料去表现。