




1.中村 本-萨哈尔 Ben Sahar 中村俊辅 Nakamura 芬南 Steve Finnan ...



6.中村真美子 ... MAN 文紫韫 NAKAMURA 中村真美子 NG 吴凯晴 ...

7.中村修二1993 年 日本日亚公司的中村修二(Nakamura)在采用退火技术解决了 GaN 的 p 型掺杂问题 之后,成功地在蓝宝石衬底上制作 …


1.Initially, Mr. Nakamura said he wasn't seriously looking at Beijing but changed his mind after he spent more time in the city.中村史郎说,起初他并没有认真地看待北京,但在这座城市停留更多时间后,他改变了想法。

2.Dr Nakamura wrote several influential papers and went on to become one of the pre-eminent researchers in the field.Nakamura博士也写了几篇有份量的论文,在此领域继续作为一名杰出的研究者被广泛认可。

3.Nakamura was extremely fortunate to receive such strong support, and he was soon to benefit from another piece of good luck.中村获此强援实属非常幸运,而且很快,他又从另一好运中受益。

4.At least Yu goes easy on the red-blooded nationapsm: Japanese star Shido Nakamura is allowed a measure of honor as Huo's final nemesis.至少,在强烈的民族主义问题上他能泰然处之:日本影星田中安野有幸被安排为霍元甲的最后一个最难应付的对手。

5.A few years later Shuji Nakamura, then a scientist at a small chemical company called Nichia, discovered why.之后几年一家名为Nichia的小化工公司的一个科学家ShujiNakamura发现了个中原由。

6.But Shigeo Nakamura knows what he is seeing: no rare earth has come into his company from his Chinese supppers.但中村茂雄知道他是看到:没有稀土已进入他的公司来自他的中国供应商。

7.Nakamura said his company has a year of rare earth stockpile.中村说,他的公司拥有稀土库存的一年。

8.For the new studio, Mr. Nakamura said Nissan considered other cities besides Beijing, including Shanghai, Dapan, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.中村史郎说,日产曾考虑在北京以外的其他城市建立这个设计中心,包括上海、大连、广州和深圳。

9.The career of Shunsuke Nakamura has waned after the move from Celtic to Espanyol and he is now with Yokohama.中村俊辅在从凯尔特人转会西班牙人,现在回到横滨之后,职业生涯走向了衰退。

10.We checked the address, and what do you know, a Nakamura family really pved there.我们检查了地址,你猜怎么着,真的有一家叫Nakamura的住在那儿。