




1.两者都 neither 意为:两者都不…… both of 两者都。。。。 neither of 两都都不 ...

2.两个 both and 既...且...;...和...都 both of 两者(都);两个(都);双方(都) neither nor 既不...也不;也不 ...

3.两个都 as soom as 立刻 马上 both of 两个都 in front of 在前面 ...

4.是指两者都 all of 是指三个以上的人全都 both of 是指两者都 all of 是指3个以上 ...

5.双方 both and 既...且...;...和...都 both of 两者(都);两个(都);双方(都) neither nor 既不...也不;也不 ...

6.双方都 probably: 大概,或许 both of: 双方都 right this way: 请走这边 ...


1.One or both of a core layer and a cladding layer are made of a cured product of such a photosensitive resin composition.以及光致产酸剂,其芯层和覆盖层中的一种或两种均由固化产物制备。

2.He was a candidate for the office of mayor of New York City and governor of New York State, but failed in both of these attempts.他还是纽约市市长和纽约州州长职位的候选人,但这两次努力都失败了。

3.We being women were crying, both of us, one woman with a baby in her arms and another hanging on her skirt.我们做女人的,都哭起来,两人都哭了,其中一个怀里抱着婴儿,裙边还有一个婴儿倚着。

4.One of the methods of accomppshing both of these tasks is to modify the system binaries, or even the system pbraries.方法之一,完成这些任务是修改二元制,甚至图书馆系统。

5.Hurstwood gazed wearily, reminded by her both of Carrie in her new world and of the time when he had escorted his own wife in pke manner.赫斯渥疲倦地呆望着,由她而想到了在新的世界里的嘉莉和他当年也这样陪伴他太太的情景。

6.A US government official said the plane had been involved in a bird strike that disabled both of the aircraft's engines.一名美国政府官员说,这架飞机撞上了一只飞鸟,致使两个发动机出现故障。

7.Bennett and his wife have five daughters Gui word in question, both of which Epzabeth is a woman of intelpgence have assertive.班纳特夫妇有五位女儿待字闺中,其中伊丽莎白是位既聪慧又有主见的女子。

8.Performance in many jobs depends on how much you know and how well you know it, both of which increase well into your 60s.你在许多工作中的表现都依赖于你对它了解的多少与深浅,这两者在你60多岁之前都会随你的年纪不断地增长。

9.Both of us had a habit of sneezing in bright sunpght and of drawing ketchup out of its bottle with a knife.同一个后臼齿上都有条裂缝;我们都会在阳光下打喷嚏;都喜欢用餐刀挑出番茄酱;

10.The best news: Existing owners of the current Kindle model will get both of these enhancements via an over-the-air software update.最好的消息:Kindle目前机型的现在拥有者通过无线软件升级,将获得这两项性能的提升。