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1.Do not contact me if you expect me to visit your country to marry you for a visa.不要与我联系,如果你希望我访问贵国,嫁给你签证。

2.Please read this carefully and contact me in case of any questions, before placing bid and deadpne!请仔细阅读和接触情况下的任何问题我出价前先和期限,!

3.I hope you will feel as welcome as ever to contact me for a cup of tea or to see art.我诚挚地欢迎各位与我联系,到一月当代来看画,或是与我一起喝杯茶,聊聊天。

4.If you think you can help, contact me with a full quote and any other information or terms and conditions I may need to know.如果你认为你能帮助,请与全面报价和其他信息或条款及条件,我可能需要了解我。

5.On this regards, do not hesitate to contact me for more details and direction, and also please do update me with any new development.在这方面,不要犹豫,联系更多的细节和指导我,也请更新我的任何新的发展。

6.But still, I harbored a hope that he did not contact me maybe because he was too busy and that he would contact me soon.每一天我的希望就减一分,但是我仍然心存希冀:或许他是因为忙才没联系我的,可能快忙完了。

7.Should you be interested, please do not hesitate to contact me via any of the above forms of communication found on this website.如果你也感兴趣,千万别客气,可以通过在这个网站上找得到的任何方式联系我。

8.If I can be of any help at all, please contact me.如果我能帮上什么忙,请与我联络。

9.All this long distance between us along with your daily attempts to contact me is affecting me in many ways.我们之间遥远的距离和你每天尝试和我取得联系都在很多方面感动着我。

10.If you know how to do this or have something similar that I could view. . . Please bid on this project and contact me. . . thanks!如果你知道如何做到这一点或有类似的看法…我能在这个项目上竞标请和我联系…谢谢!