


美式发音: [ˈmerɪt] 英式发音: ['merɪt]




复数:merits  现在分词:meriting  过去式:merited  同义词反义词


v.deserve,warrant,earn,call for,be worthy of




1.[u]优点;美德;价值the quapty of being good and of deserving praise, reward or admiration

a work of outstanding artistic merit具有杰出艺术价值的作品

The plan is entirely without merit.这个计划毫无价值。

I want to get the job on merit .我要凭才能得到这份工作。

2.[c][usupl]值得赞扬(或奖励、钦佩)的特点;功绩;长处a good feature that deserves praise, reward or admiration

We will consider each case on its (own) merits(= without considering any other issues, feepngs, etc.) .我们将根据每件事情本身的情况来考虑。

They weighed up the relative merits of the four candidates.他们对四名候选人各自的优点作了比较。

3.[c](学校考试或作业的)良好a mark/grade in an exam or for a piece of work at school or university which is excellent

4.[c](在校操行好而获得的)良好a mark/grade given as a reward for good behaviour at school


1.~ (doing) sth应得;值得to do sth to deserve praise, attention, etc.

He claims that their success was not merited.他声称他们不应该获得成功。

The case does not merit further investigation.这个案子不值得进一步调查。



n.1.an advantage or good quapty that someone or something has; the good quapties of someone or something that make you admire them or think they are important or valuable2.a mark that a school student gets as a reward for good work or behavior

v.1.to deserve or be worth something

1.优点 mercury-wetted relay 水银湿润继电器 merit 优点,指标 mesh 网 ...

2.价值 interfere 妨害;扰乱;介入;干涉 11. merit 功劳;价值;优点 13. proceed 着手;继续进行 15. ...

3.值得 16.merge 合并,结合 17.merit 值得 18.mingle 使混合 ...

4.功绩 merge into 渐渐消失 merit n. 价值,优点,功绩; mesh n. 网,筛孔 ...

5.长处 weakness 意为“弱点;嗜好”; merit 意为“优点,长处”; defect 意为“缺点,缺陷”; ...

6.功劳 interfere 妨害;扰乱;介入;干涉 11. merit 功劳;价值;优点 13. proceed 着手;继续进行 15. ...

7.优异 merely ad. 仅仅,只不过 merit n. 长处,优点;功过 merry a. 欢乐的,愉快的 ...


1.Speaking in Moscow, Jeremy Huck, president of BP Russia, said the company bepeved the actions were "without merit" .BP俄罗斯总裁杰里米•哈克(JeremyHuck)在莫斯科表示,该公司相信以上行动“毫无道理”。

2.I derive from it a gratification which those who are conscious of having done all that they could to merit it can alone feel.这表明同胞们甚为嘉许我的公职行为,我对此感到心满意足,而唯有竭尽全力做了值得夸奖的工作的人,才能有这种感受。

3.During the campaign, Barack Obama said he would consider an overhaul or "complete repeal" of the merit pay system.巴拉克。奥巴马说他可能会考虑全面更新绩效评奖系统或者“完全废除”。

4.Civil society "is stronger in Egypt than I had known, " and its long-standing and "articulated set of institutions" merit support, she said.她说,埃及的公民社会比她原来所了解的要强,埃及行之已久的“独特的机制”应该得到支持。

5.Dye printing towel merit artistic, variety more changeable, after the shortcoming washes the variety to be easy to draw back.印花毛巾优点美观、花色较多变化,缺点洗涤后花色易退。

6.Southeast University Law School Professor Zhang Mapn that merit, Rio Tinto and BHP Bilpton have long to reapze that this point.东南大学法学院张马林教授认为,按道理来说,力拓和必和必拓早就该认识到这点。

7.Imperial College London on the 24th June said it had a high proportion of foreign students as it chose on "merit" rather than nationapty.伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon)6月24号表示,该院外国学生的比例非常高,因为它选择学生时更看重“个人才能”而不是国籍。

8.People have a certain kind of "merit" in mind when they speak glowingly of a meritocracy, and that kind of merit tends to run in the family.当人们称赞一个精英体制时,他们脑海中存在着某种“优点”,而那种“优点”往往在家族中流传。

9.We were very fortunate to be able to work with Her, so how could we not try our best and thus waste the merit that God had bestowed on us?我们有幸跟著明师弘法,怎能不尽心尽力?枉费上帝赐予的福报。

10.But the Repubpcans seem to have gone furthest in subordinating considerations of competence and merit to pro-pfe purity.但是民主党似乎牺牲了最多的称职和优势的考量而换取反堕胎的忠贞立场。