


网络释义:中海油田服务股份有限公司(China Oilfield Services Limited);中海油服;Credit Ombudsman Service Limited


1.中海油田服务股份有限公司(China Oilfield Services Limited)来福士为中海油田服务股份有限公司COSL)总包建造的第 3 座深水半潜式钻井平台 COSL Promoter 在挪威北海正式作业; …

2.中海油服中海油服COSL)为中海油集团下属公司,是一家大型上市企业。为全球各大石油公司提供技术服务、运输、.. 全部>> hq007…

3.Credit Ombudsman Service Limited• 澳洲COSL (Credit Ombudsman Service Limited) 协会会员服务范围: 房屋贷款 投资贷款 汽车贷款 生意贷款 私人贷款 房屋 …


1.The lengthy negotiation period between COSL and Awilco suggests no-one else was prepared to cough up a comparable sum.中海油服和Awilco之间漫长的谈判周期表明,没有第三方愿意参与竞购。

2.COSL has taken a big jump in technology and service capacity, and has taken its place in the international market.中海油服的技术水平、服务能力取得了长足的发展,并在国际市场上已经开始占有一席之地。

3.COSL can provide stand alone service for customers, and also can provide bundled services of bundled contract.中海油服既可以为客户提供单一业务的作业服务,也可以为客户提供一体化整装、总承包作业服务。

4.But COSL's ambition to develop itself as a global player in oil services will be rather harder to reach.但是,中海油服期望发展成为全球性油田服务商的雄心,实现起来会相当困难。

5.COSL plans to promote some of Awilco's managers to senior ranks in the merged company.中海油服计划提拔一些Awilco的管理人员,在合并后的公司中担任要职。

6.Apart from the additional rigs, adding to COSL's 15 rigs, the Awilco fleet is also much younger and can operate in deeper waters.除了可以给中海油服(现有15座平台)增加更多钻井平台外,Awilco的钻井平台队也更年轻,能在更深的海域作业。

7.COSL will still have a long way to go before achieving its long-term goals.中海油服要实现长期目标任重而道远。