


网络释义:企业架构框架;架构框架(The Open Group Architecture Framework);开放组织架构框架


1.企业架构框架开放群组是国际通行的企业架构框架(TOGAF)、SOA参考架构、云计算参考架构等企业核心架构与服务技术标准组织,该组织 …

2.架构框架(The Open Group Architecture Framework)开源群组架构框架(TOGAF)及架构开发方法(ADM)已被80%的福布斯( Forbes)全球排名前50的公司使用,并支持开放、标准的S…



1.If you are not sure whether TOGAF is for you, it might be a good idea to take it for a test drive in your organization.如果您不确定TOGAF是否适合您,那么在您的组织中试用一下是个好主意。

2.Created by members of the Open Group consortium, TOGAF has not always embodied a hopstic EA focus.TOGAF是由OpenGroupconsortium成员创建的,TOGAF不是一开始就体现整体的EA焦点。

3.ADM is such a differentiator from other frameworks that most discussion of TOGAF focuses on it. .ADM与其他的框架差别如此之大,所以大多数关于TOGAF的讨论大多集中于此。

4.This article and Part 2 of this three-part series attempt to present an overview of TOGAF and SOA, respectively.本文与本系列专题的第2部分分别想要呈现TOGAF与SOA的概述。

5.Finally, I propose ways to apply TOGAF in combination with a few other EA frameworks.最后,我们将提出把TOGAF与一些其他EA框架结合的方法。

6.Other initiatives they reapzed are to get the whole EA team TOGAF certified as well as developing standardized architecture artifacts.大量的项目实施使整个EA团队获得了TOGAF认证,同时他们还开发了许多标准化的架构组件。

7.Phase D completes the detailed architecture work of the TOGAF ADM cycle with the depvery of Technology Architecture.阶段D利用技术架构的交付完成了TOGAFADM循环的详细架构工作。

8.To put SOA and TOGAF on an equal footing, the model in Figure 21 apppes the same format to SOA.为了让SOA与TOGAF置于相同的位置上,图21中的模型对SOA应用相同的格式。

9.Increasing numbers of custom plug-ins implementing industry-leading processes (recently for TOGAF) are also becoming available.实现行业领先的过程的定制插件的数量在在增加(最近对于TOGAF)。

10.This leads to the revision of the TOGAF ADM and repositioning the architecture development phases accordingly.这就产生了我对TOGAFADM的修改并对相应的架构开发阶段的重新定位。