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英文单词:棕榈油(Crude Palm Oil);首席隐私官(Chief Privacy Officer);成本(Cost per Order)



abbr.1.Chief Petty Officer

1.棕榈油(Crude Palm Oil)谈判代表(CNO) · 首席运营官(COO) · 公关总监CPO) · 产品总监 · 创意总监 · 首席质量官 /质控总监(CQO) · 研 …


1.Chloroperoxidase(CPO) as a member of peroxidase family has extensive catalytic activities for various organic substrates.氯过氧化物酶(CPO)作为过氧化物酶家族中的一员对多种有机底物表现出了广泛的催化活性。

2.The 3rd, rise as the position of China and Indian market, CPO needs to be aimed at this locality strategy with these area proper formulate.第三,跟着中国和印度市场的地位回升,CPO需要针对这些地域制订恰当的本地策略。

3.For carmakers and their dealers, the benefits of the certified pre-owned trade go beyond sales volumes.对于汽车制造商及其经销商而言,CPO汽车交易的好处不仅仅在于销量增加。

4.However, the immobilization of CPO on the electrode is the premise of catalysis with electrochemical methods.然而,实现电化学方法进行催化的前提是CPO在电极上的固定化。

5.Applications of CPO in organic synthesis has been and will still be a research hotspot, since it was discovered in 1960s.自上世纪60年代被发现以来,CPO在有机合成中的应用一直是一个研究热点。

6.Finally, CPO should know, it is more important before that with the relation between the supplier processing will be compared.最后,CPO应该知道,与供给商之间的关系治理将比以前加倍主要。

7.Anton asked India, Indonesia's second largest CPO importer after China, to maintain the rate at 65%.安顿要求印度维持原来65%的税率。对印尼来说,印度是继中国之后的第二大粗加工棕榈油进口国。

8.Malaysian crude palm oil (CPO) prices are getting so high that producers are seeing buyers switch to other oils.随着马来西亚毛棕榈油价格的不断高涨,买方已开始转向其它油类。

9.Dealers count on CPO buyers bringing in their cars for servicing, thus providing an extra source of revenue.经销商指望CPO买家继续接受这里的维修服务,从而提供一个额外的收入来源。

10.According to Mark Webster, national pre-owned operations manager at Mercedes-Benz USA, tyres and brakes are typically replaced.奔驰美国公司全美CPO业务经理马克-韦伯斯特(MarkWebster)表示,旧车的轮胎和刹车通常都要换掉。