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abbr.1.pelvic inflammatory disease2.personal identification device

1.进程标识符获取进程对应可执行文件的... Windows 多进程编程 如何获取应用程序的实例句... VC由进程ID获 …

2.比例积分微分(proportional-integral-differential)学附属 曙光医院妇科 殷岫绮 主任医师 一、定义 盆腔炎性疾病PID)指女性上生殖道及其周围 组织的炎症,主要包括:子 …

6.原发性免疫缺陷病(primary immunodeficiency disease)儿童原发性免疫缺陷病PID)总体介绍:重庆医科大学儿童医院杨锡强教授 严重联合免疫缺陷病(SCID)的发病、基因诊断 …


1.Extremely useful from anti- harasses the pid controller procedure. Does the control to be allowed to have a look.非常有用的自抗扰pid控制器程序。搞控制的可以看看。

2.The simulation indicates that this controllers quality is better than general PID controller in aspect .仿真结果表明,该控制器在控制量品质、动态性能、稳态精度等方面都优于常规PID控制器。

3.You see a strong vibration in case of PID control which means necessity of re-adjustment of parameters by engineers at the site.你会看到一个PID控制在强烈振动情况下,这意味着需要重新调整参数的工程师在现场。

4.After limiting its control range with a limiter, the control effect of IMG goes worse, but is still better than PID.通过限幅器可把控制量限制在可实现范围内,其控制效果虽然变差,但仍比PID控制好得多。

5.PID control strategy can be used to improve the system dynamic characteristics, enabling the system to meet the control requirements.采用PID控制策略可以改善系统的动态特性,使系统能够满足控制要求。

6.The experimental results show that this method greatly improves the control precision in comparison with PID control method.实验结果表明,该方法较传统的PID控制方法可大大提高控制精度。

7.Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This infection of the female reproductive organs is usually caused by sexually transmitted bacteria.盆腔炎(PID)。这种女性生殖器官炎症通常是通过性交感染的。

8.The system is composted of a high accuracy thermocouple and a 8031 single chip computer while adaptive PID control algorithm is employed.该系统由一个高精度的热电偶和8031单片机组成,采用自适应PID控制算法。

9.The simulation tests show that the single neural adaptive PID control has no overshoot and is more speedy.仿真试验表明,单神经元自适应PID控制具有快速、无超调的特性。

10.The Command, PID, and User columns represent the name of a process, process identifier (PID), and owner's name, respectively.PID和User列分别表示进程的名称、进程标识符(PID)和所有者名称。