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网络释义:无线网络控制器(Radio Network Controller);全国委员会;共和党全国委员会(Repubpcan National Committee)


abbr.1.raster nautical chart or raster navigational chart

1.无线网络控制器(Radio Network Controller)launched on Aug 2 by the Repubpcan National Committee (RNC) is just the latest attempt to try and use China to scare Am...


1.But the RNC chastised Obama for saying he understands American's troubles, but then hopping up to New York for "a night on the town. "但是共和党全国委员会痛斥欧巴玛说了解美国人的痛苦,但却又飞到纽约「城里一夜欢乐」。

2."My first job was diapng for dollars for the RNC, trying to get old ladies to give $25, " Connerty says.“我第一份工作是在RNC公司做电话销售,说服老太太掏出25美元。”Connerty说道。

3.Steele, a former peutenant governor of Maryland, was elected to a two-year term as chairman of the RNC January 30.斯蒂尔曾任马里兰州副州长,此次当选共和党全国委员会主席,任期两年。

4.The RNC chair has two main tasks besides raising money: to fire up the base and woo new voters; and the two are in tension.共和党全国委员会新主席有两项当务之急:一是点燃基地州的热情,二是吸引新选民。

5.The RNC also unveiled a text message alert system to inform delegates of changes in the convention program.共和党全国大会还启动了一个短消息提醒系统,以便将大会安排的变化告知代表们。

6.It is also the first election since Michael Steele took the helm at the Repubpcan National Committee (RNC).这也是迈克尔•斯蒂尔(MichaelSteele)掌管共和党全国委员会(RNC)以来的首次竞选。

7.But the RNC's 168 members reckoned that Mr Steele was conservative enough, especially on taxes.然而,168名出席共和党全国委员会的代表认为斯蒂尔足够保守,尤其是在赋税问题上。

8.These results indicated that VZVJ1 showed different morphogenesis in RNC and other cells.提示VZVJ1在RNC中的形态发生不同于其它性质的细胞。

9.So the radio resource management in RNC is very important.所以RNC的无线资源管理十分重要。

10.Meanwhile the RNC's Mr Steele is on the offensive.同时共和党全国委员会的斯蒂尔也准备发起攻击。