





2.抓鱼 ... be interested in 对……感兴趣 catching fish 抓鱼 fishing 钓鱼 ...

3.捕鱼 钓鱼大奖赛: Fishing Champion (搞趣首发)重力捕鱼: Catching Fish 安迪跳起来: Andy Jump HD-Part 1 ...

5.钓鱼 ... trout fishing n 钓鳟鱼 n (sport: catching fish) 钓鱼 n (occupation) 捕鱼业,渔业 n ...

6.翠鸟捕鱼 ... Graceful Posture 倒挂金钩 Catching Fish 翠鸟捕鱼 Happy Children (快乐儿童) ...


8.计算几何 ... HDU 1077 Catching Fish计算几何,用单位圆围尽量多的点) HDU 1079 Calendar Gam…


1.Instead of catching fish, all that he fished out was an old boot.他没有捉到鱼,捞到的是一只烂靴子。

2.After twice of catching fish, I found that just came out of the fish is "scouts, " must be very clever, runs express.经过上两次的捉鱼,我发现刚出来的小鱼是“侦察兵”,肯定特别机灵,跑得特快。

3.Some researchers speculate that they made the best of a bad situation by catching fish, and hunting turtles and waterfowl from the canals.科研人员进一步猜想,认为每遇到情况不妙的时候,他们还能打鱼过日子,会从他们开挖的水渠系统中捕捉一些海龟和水鸟一类的东西。

4.A woman feels suddenly at home again as she remembers catching fish in the creek behind her parents'house.一个妇女在回忆起自己年少时在父母房子背后的河里捉鱼时,会感觉到突然又回到家了。

5.Suddenly, some tourists came to the fish pond to see these two players who had an easy time catching fish.突然,许多来到池塘边的游客发现这里有两个人很容易就能钓到鱼。

6.The next morning I carried in my hand a small net used for catching fish.第二天早晨,我手里拿上用于捕鱼的小网。

7.On his deathbed, a fisherman may talk as if he were catching fish, or a man who has often given alms may think that he is giving alms.临终时,渔夫可能说他正在抓鱼,而一个经常布施的人可能想自己正在布施。

8.Sure. It's the best thing for catching fish. Shall I show how? Then you'll always have as many fish as you want to eat.当然啦。这是最好的钓鱼工具啊。不信我可以为你演示一下,以后你也你用这种方法,想吃多少就钓多少。

9.A barbed metal hook used for catching fish.一个用钩子和线钓鱼的渔夫。

10.That makes it easier to maneuver when catching fish close to the ocean's surface.这使得它们在靠近洋面的水域捕食猎物时行动更加自如。