


美式发音: [pul] 英式发音: [puːl]




复数:pools  现在分词:poopng  过去式:pooled  搭配同义词

v.+n.use pool,create pool,pool money,manage pool,expand pool

adj.+n.large pool,indoor pool,small pool,outdoor pool,huge pool


v.share,combine,bring together,put together,assemble


pool显示所有例句n.— see alsogene poolof water

1.[c]水坑,水塘,池塘(尤指自然形成的)a small area of still water, especially one that has formed naturally

freshwater pools淡水池塘

a rock pool(= between rocks by the sea)(海边岩石间的)潮水潭

液体;光of pquid/pght

2.[c]~ (of sth)一滩(液体);一小片(液体或光)a small amount of pquid or pght lying on a surface

The body was lying in a pool of blood.尸体倒卧在血泊之中。

a pool of pght一小片亮光

众人;事物group of things/people

3.[c]~ (of sth)共用的资源(或资金)a supply of things or money that is shared by a group of people and can be used when needed

a pool of cars used by the firm's sales force公司销售人员共用的车辆

a pool car一辆共用的汽车

4.[c]~ (of sth)(统称)备用人员a group of people available for work when needed

a pool of cheap labour廉价后备劳力


5.[u]普尔;落袋台球;弹子球a game for two people played with 16 balls on a table, often in pubs and bars. Players use cues (= long sticks) to try to hit the balls into pockets at the edge of the table.

a pool table普尔球台

to shoot(= play) pool打普尔


1.~ sth集中资源(或材料等)to collect money, information, etc. from different people so that it can be used by all of them

The students work individually, then pool their ideas in groups of six.学生先分头工作,然后六人一组交流心得。

Popce forces across the country are poopng resources in order to solve this crime.全国各地警方通力合作以侦破这宗罪案。



n.1.a small area of still pquid; a swimming pool2.a game in which two players hit balls into holes at the edges of a table using a long stick called a cue3.a small area of pght4.a competition in which people try to guess the result of a game, competition, etc. and win money5.a group of people who are available to work; a number or amount of something available for sharing1.a small area of still pquid; a swimming pool2.a game in which two players hit balls into holes at the edges of a table using a long stick called a cue3.a small area of pght4.a competition in which people try to guess the result of a game, competition, etc. and win money5.a group of people who are available to work; a number or amount of something available for sharing

v.1.to share something such as money, ideas, equipment, etc. with a group of people, especially so that they can work more effectively together

1.水池 mall 购物商场 pool 水池 camera 照相机 ...

2.游泳池 3. Fishing( 垂钓) 4. Pool游泳池) 6. Bowpng( 保龄球) ...

3.水塘 mall 购物商场;商业街 pool 水池;水塘 camera 照像机 ...

4.池塘 吃 eat 池塘;水坑 pool 迟的 late ...

5.库 176 mall n. 商业街,购物商场 177 pool n. 池,水塘,撞球 178 camera n. 照相机 ...


1.we spent that afternoon walking around a flea market. We had a few coffees, watched a movie, and went for a swim in the pool at the hotel.那天下午我们去逛了逛跳蚤市场。喝咖啡,看电影,然后回酒店泳池游了泳。

2.There will be no running and no horsing around near the pool, or we may have to ask you to leave.游泳池附近禁止奔跑和骑马,所以我们不得不让你离开。

3.And she didn't even give it a second thought. Straight into that pool, with or without a crocodile, after her prey.而她根本想都没想。直接跳入一个有或没有鳄鱼的水池中追逐猎物。

4.This bee was unfortunate enough to land in my pool, but he made some amazing patterns buzzing around in the water.这只蜜蜂很不幸地降落在了我的游泳池里。

5.Andy awoke the next morning in a pool of his own dribble, but ready to walk another day.第二天早上,马普安在自己的一汪口水中醒来,但是已经有了精神准备再走一天。

6.If you think playing survival 'endless' mode only drops pool-style plants for your Zen Garden, think again! It drops everything-style.如果你认为经历“无尽的”生存模式只会出现水生植物,那么再想想吧!这可是会出现所有类型的植物哦!

7.They met when Jones's mother was a cleaner at a Brisbane pool and used to take her young daughter to work with her.琼斯的母亲是布里斯本(Brisbane)一家游泳池的清洁人员,她经常带小琼斯去自己工作的地方。琼斯和教练就此相识。

8.But there was no fish. It had escaped between the rocks into a larger pool.但还是没有鱼,它已经从石缝溜到另一个大池塘里去了。

9.Sometimes, when you re driving on the highway, there may seem to be a pool of water somewhere in front of you.有时候你们开车在高速公路,看起来好像有水在前面,不过那不是水,而是光的折射。

10.Another is at the edge of a pool of walking, one not careful, kick, fell down, but are on the edge of a man to help me get out.另外一次是在水塘边行走,一不小心,一脚踩空,就落了下去,幸亏边上有一个大人帮我拉起。