


美式发音: [jep] 英式发音: [jep]


int.(用以表示 yes)是的




1.(用以表示 yes)是的,好了used to say ‘yes’

‘Are you ready?’ ‘Yep.’“准备好了吗?”“好了。”


adv.1.<slang,AmE>Same as yes2.yes

1.是的 2. Yeah. 是的. 3. Yep. 是的. 5. Sure. 当然. ...

2.是啊 You:bye.. 再见 pudding Later:yep 是啊 Orientis Kas:then lets do it 那就让我们开始做吧 ...

3.没错 ... Yep( 是) Yep没错) Do she got a beauty mark on her left side of her mouth( 她是不是有个痣在她嘴巴的左 …

4.对啊 Yep( 嗯) Yep对啊 ) Tell me whats wrong dawg,what the hell you damning about( 告诉我怎么了伙计,你究竟在说什 …

5.年轻工程师计划(young engineer program)麦克维尔 2008届YEPyoung engineer program)顺利进行 7-24 9:37麦克维尔倾力为奥运轨道交通保驾护航 7-24 9:32 克莱门 …


1.Yep, just trying to trim some of the drama out of my pfe.是,我正努力让我的生活少点儿戏剧性。

2.Yep, and then he opened his eyes, and blew out the candles on his birthday cake.没错,然后他睁开眼睛,吹灭了他生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。

3.Yep, Plus the air sacs mean that birds weigh less than you'd expect, which makes flying less costly in terms of energy.是的。加上肺泡的话就说明鸟比我们想象的要轻,那样飞行就不会那么耗能量。

4.Yep, everything in Greece and Asia Minor, my churches are all doing great, I got to get out of here, my work here is done.是的,希腊和小亚细亚,我建立的教会都很兴旺,我要离开,这里的使命完成。

5.Yep! And he's bound to lose his way. You know he is new here.是的!他铁定要迷路了。你知道的,他刚到这里没多久。

6.Student: Inaudible Prof: Cocaine is addictive or cocaine is Student: Inaudible Prof: You could say the same sort of thing, yep.学生:,教授:可卡因很容易上瘾,学生:,教授,你也可以说些类似的事情。

7.Or if one of our cats comes up to say hello, rubs itself on my leg and settles down for a nap near me . . . yep: great day!再或者,如果我们的某只猫走过来跟我打招呼,再拿身子在我腿上蹭,然后靠近我躺下来打个盹儿…没错:奇妙无比的又一天!

8.Yep, you know I am not the Guangzhou native, but I am very interested in this city, so I am eager to know more about Guangzhou.嗯嗯你知道我不是广州本地人,但是我对广州这座城市很有好感,因此想要多了解一下广州。

9.Jeff: Yep - right to the door. She said I was a real gentleman.杰夫:没错,一直送到门口。她说我是个真正的绅士。

10.As a matter of fact, maybe it is good for your pfe, yep, i said "maybe"或许这篇东西对你一辈子有好处,没错,我说“或许”