




1.百 (up 向上+ ( centi + (mono 一个+ ...

2.百分之一 decigram 十分之一克 14. centi, 百分之一 15. milp, 千分之一,毫 ...

3.厘 分 deci centi 毫 milp ...

4.一百 ) centipede n 蜈蚣 (centi 一百+ (impede 妨碍+ ...

5.百分一 百分率高度面积曲线 percentage hypsometric curve 百分一 centi 百虹贯日 sun cross ...

6.百分的 biology n. 生物学 初中词汇 centi- 百分的 cent 一分美元 ...

7.一百的 deca- “十” centi- 一百的 milp- 千分之一,毫 ...


1.The temperature of the earth's surface has risen about one centi-degree compared with that of the past century, of which we all can feel.与过去的一个世纪相比,地球表面的温度已经大约升高了一摄氏度,并且我们也可以感受得到。

2.But the French were not the first to think of the ten-hour day, nor even the centi-jour.但是并不是法国人第一个想到十小时日的,百分日甚至也不是第一个。

3.There are up to 70 pods, each about 35 centi - metres long, and ranging in colour from deep purple to bright yellow.一棵树的荚果可达70个,每个约35厘米长,颜色从深紫色到亮黄色。

4.Even so, the idea of a centi-jour (14. 4 minutes) has cropped up on several occasions since.尽管如此,从那时起,百分日(每一等分14.4分钟)的概念却已见诸于有些场合。