


美式发音: ['ɡoʊ.daʊn] 英式发音: ['ɡəʊdaʊn]






1.仓库a warehouse(= building where goods are stored)


n.1.a warehouse, especially in South and Southeast Asia2.a large building with several levels where goods are kept

1.仓库 Global Co-ordinate System 全球坐标系统 godown 仓库 good title 妥善业权 ...

2.货栈 货运〖 freight〗 货栈〖 warehouse;storehouse;godown〗 货真价实〖 genuinegoodsatafairprice …

3.堆栈 go-go fund 冒险投资基金 godown n.(东南亚)堆栈;货仓 going concern 继续 …

4.货仓 货舱条款 bunker clause 货仓 godown;warehouse 货仓保证书 warehouse …

5.栈房 ... 通过规 go gage 仓库,栈房 godown 护目镜 goggles ...

6.临时寄存货物的地方 ... [showing all smiles] 显露笑容 [storehouse;warehouse;godown] 临时寄存货物的地方 [pile up] 一层一层地码起来 ...

7.港区仓库 港区 port zone 港区仓库 godown 港索 port rope ...

8.下降 要求 askfor 下降 godown 从商 gointobusiness ...


1.I suggested that she should look for a job but this suggestion did not godown at all well.我建议她去找个工作,可是这个主意她根本听不进。

2.Captain Chapman is remembered by the ruins of his indigo warehouse in a hamlet named after it, Godown.货仓小村的人记得查普曼上尉,靠的是靛青仓库的废墟,货仓就是以它命名的。

3.Most residents of Godown, a huddle of mud and brick huts, are dap, especially chambers and dhobis, of the Hindu washer caste.货仓,特别是挤满土屋和砖屋的货仓大部分居民都是达利特,特别是查玛尔和印度教徒司洗衣的种姓多比。

4.Checks godown receipt and co-ordinates with all routine documentation with godown keepers.检查仓库收条,并与仓库管理员合作,处理一切例行文件工作;

5.A salad and a piece of bread would godown well.一份色拉和一片面包倒挺配我胃口的。

6.For wind and measure cloth, which are installed with swivel castors and speed adjustable. Suitable for cloth shop or godown use.适合各大布商,用于一般布匹量布及捲布,配有调速器及活动辘,方便操作。

7.Purchased warehouse in Singapore for expanding godown storage business.购入货仓,发展新加坡仓库生意。

8.Sunil Kumar, a 32-year-old in Godown, was on leave from a textiles hub near Mumbai, Bhiwandi, where he operates a power-loom.苏尼尔•库马尔,一个32岁的货仓人,在孟买附近的一家纺织中心比万迪工作,正在休假,他在那里操纵一台电动织机。

9.I heard that some tours actually godown into the canyon.我听说有的旅游团真正下到峡谷里去了。

10.Acrobats practise during a training session at the Godown Arts Centre in Kenya's capital Nairobi August 28, 2006.在肯亚首都奈洛比的仓库艺术中心,杂技演员在训练课程中练习。