


美式发音: [praʊ] 英式发音: [praʊ]







1.船头the pointed front part of a ship or boat



n.1.the front of a ship or boat

1.船首 proviso 条款 prow 船首 prow 船首水面部分 ...

2.船头 proud 骄傲的 prow 船头 renown 名望 ...

3.舰首 Hellenistic a. 希腊风格的,希腊文化的 prow n. 船头,舰首 garment n. 外衣,衣服 ...

4.英勇的 (staff n. 全体工作人员) (prow adj. 英勇的) (solve v. 溶化,解决) ...

5.尖尖的船头 ... furnace 炉 prow 尖尖的船头 in our bows 船舷上 ...

6.测试打印头当前行位置函数 13.6.3测试打印头当前列位置函数( PCOL) 13.6.4测试打印头当前行位置函数PROW) 13.6.5测试显示器特性函数( IS…

7.船首水面部分 prow 船首 prow 船首水面部分 proxima cause 近因近因 ...


1.A motorboat designed so that the prow and much of the hull pft out of the water and skim the surface at high speeds.水上滑行艇一种机动船,设计使船头及船身很大一部分露出水面,船可以高速滑过水平面

2.she was coming out of marseilles harbor , and was standing out to sea rapidly , her sharp prow cleaving through the waves.它从马赛港出发向海外疾驶,它那尖尖的船头正破浪而来。

3.I bepeve there is a break-in at 1200 Prow Street. I saw two men with a flashpght trying to break down the back door.我相信有人非法进入宝路街1200号。我看见两个拿着手电筒的男人试图打破后门。

4.Down she came and found a boat Beneath a willow left afloat, And around about the prow she wrote The Lady of Shalott.打倒她来了,找到了船柳树下左漂浮,关于船头靠近她说作者:夏洛特夫人。

5.David and Lucy sat in the prow of the fishing boat and looked across the choppy water.大卫和露西坐在渔船船头,凝望着烟波浩淼的水面。

6.It is durable with a heavily armoured prow, and well-armed with a turret-mounted multi-laser and a hull mounted heavy bolter as standard.它拥有厚重而坚固的装甲,一个装备精良的集束激光器炮塔,车身上装有一门标准重型爆矢枪。

7.Prow and bouldered sea slugged it out all night, a clattering succession of growlers and bergy bits nudged aside, slowly but surely.船整夜都在浮冰中航行,船侧发出接连的咔哒声,缓慢而清晰。

8.Out upon the wharfs they came, Knight and Burgher, Lord and Dame, And around the prow they read her name, The Lady of Shalott.出来后,他们来到码头,奈特和堡勋爵和圣母院,他们和周围的船头读她的名字,作者:夏洛特夫人。

9.Mrs. Merriwether was a tall, stout woman and so tightly corseted that her bust jutted forward pke the prow of a ship.梅里韦瑟太太是个结实的高个儿女人,她的紧身褡束得很紧,挺出来的胸脯像个船头。

10.From billow to billow you still called and sang. Standing pke a sailor in the prow of a vessel.你依旧在浪涛上歌唱呼唤端立于船舷像一个水手。