




1.查尔斯·兰姆 Selected Prose 散文选集 • Charles Lamb 查尔斯•兰姆 Maria Edgeworth 玛利亚•埃奇沃思 ...

2.英国散文家兰姆 Charles Lamb,British essayist 英国散文家兰姆,C. Gerald Brenan,British writer 英国作家布伦南.G. ...

3.查理兰姆个毛病。仿佛是拉姆Charles Lamb)罢,小时候读这许多墓铭之后,惊讶的问道:“Where are the naughty ones?”(调皮的 …

5.英国家兰姆 ... Charles Lamb,British essayist 英国家兰姆,C. A. R .Ricvarol,French writer 法国作家里瓦罗尔. ...

6.散文家查尔斯兰姆英国杰出的散文家查尔斯兰姆(Charles Lamb)和他的姊姊玛丽兰姆(Mary Lamb),合力将莎士比亚的戏剧作品改编成故事形式, …


1.The greatest pleasure I know, is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident. - Charles Lamb.我所知道的最大愉悦莫过于,悄悄的干好的事情,让后突然发现这个结果还很不错。

2."It is a pistol let off at the ear; not a feather to tickle the intellect, " wrote Charles Lamb, a British essayist.英国评论家查尔斯﹒拉姆写到:“它是在耳边开射的手枪;而不是给聪明人搔痒的羽毛{##**$$}

3.My motto is: Contented with pttle, yet wishing for more. ----Charles Lamb.我的座右铭是:满足于一点,但希望有更多。

4.Charles Lamb What are the aims which at the same time are duties? They are perfecting of ourselves, and the happiness of others.什么既是目的又是职责呢?那就是,使我们自己完美,使别人幸福。

5.Mother's love grown by giving. -Charles Lamb母爱在给予中生长