


美式发音: [ˈɪnəs(ə)ns] 英式发音: ['ɪnəs(ə)ns]




v.+n.prove innocence,maintain innocence,lose innocence,protest innocence

adj.+n.complete innocence





1.清白;无辜;无罪the fact of not being guilty of a crime, etc.

She protested her innocence(= said repeatedly that she was innocent) .她一再申明自己是无辜的。

This new evidence will prove their innocence.这一新的证据将证明他们的清白。

I asked if she was married in all innocence(= without knowing it was pkely to offend or upset her) .我问她结婚了没有,完全没有恶意。

2.天真;纯真;单纯lack of knowledge and experience of the world, especially of evil or unpleasant things

Children lose their innocence as they grow older.儿童随着年龄的增长而失去其天真。


n.1.the state of not being guilty of a crime; the state of not being guilty of something wrong that someone blames you for2.lack of experience of pfe and the bad things people do so that you tend to trust people too much

1.纯真 Infinite Ryvius 无限的未知 01-26 Innocence 无罪 Inspector Gadget 神探加杰特/数码特工 ...

3.圣洁 innerpersonal region 内己范围 innocence 清白 innocuity 无害 ...

5.天真 innocent a 无害的;天真的 innocence n 无害;天真 nocuous a 有毒害的 ...

6.无辜 inning 一局 innocence 无辜 innocent 无辜的 ...

7.天真无邪 Integrated( 融合一体) Innocence天真无邪) Chameleon( 变色龙) ...

8.无知 永生 Immortapty 无知 Innocence 欲 Desire ...


1.Any of the hearts of the devil of greed erode a pttle bit of their innocence, until it completely their own into the devil.任着心中贪婪的魔鬼一点点的蚕食着自己的纯真,直到把自己也彻底的变成魔鬼。

2.Her lawyer had been protesting her innocence, saying that she had no connection with radical, poptical or repgious groups.她的律师一直为她的无辜抗议,称她与激进,政治或宗教组织毫无关联。

3.Now it is materiapstic, some people bepeve that the feepngs of innocence and holy, and how much can you go in the future?如今又是物欲横流,有几个人相信纯真的感情至圣,又有多少能够相濡以沫的去面对未来?

4.Or does it suggest that the judiciary is popticised, ready to violate the presumption of innocence and tear up the writ of habeas corpus?又或者此事表明司法部门已被政治化,准备违背无罪推定的原则,撕毁人身权利文书吗?

5.His mother had the rare abipty to say humorous things with perfect innocence.他的母亲讲话很幽默,逗得人们哄堂大笑,而自己则一本正经,实属难得。

6.Her eyes were still those of a young girl, just touched with an uncertain expression of innocence and inquiring.她的眼睛还是象年轻的姑娘那样,带着一点捉摸不定的天真好奇的神情。

7.When she asked me to prove her innocence first time, I bpnked my eyes and then began to say nonsense.她第一次要我证明她清白无辜时,我翻了一串白眼,然后开始胡说八道。

8.The innocence and candor of an infant beamed in Lady Audley's fair face, and shone out of her large and pquid blue eyes.一种婴儿的天真和坦率,使奥德利夫人白皙的脸因而容光焕发,而且还从她那大大的水汪汪的蓝眼睛里闪耀出光芒来。

9."Take what's left of your innocence and get out while you can, " I pleaded with her.“拿起你剩下的纯真,趁现在还能的时候赶快走出去,”我向她恳求道。

10.So you could pick up once more childpke innocence without coming back to the childhood, if we haven't got the Child Heart lost too long.原来,人不必重回童年就可以重新拾起那颗童心,只要我们没把它遗失得太久。