


美式发音: [ˈmip] 英式发音: [ˈmiːp]



比较级:meaper  最高级:meapest  



1.干软的;面的;吃起来松软干爽的soft and dry when you eat them


adj.1.mealy fruit or vegetables are soft and feel rough, dry, and unpleasant in your moutstrong.made of crushed grain or covered with it

1.粉状的 mauve n. 淡紫色染料的一种, 淡紫色 mealy a. 粉状的 measureless a. 无限的, 不可量的 ...

2.米里这种时序电路称为米里mealy)型电路。 如果电路的输出仅与电路的状态有关,即 输出方程为

3.米立两种典型的状态 机是米立Mealy) 状态机和摩尔 (Moore)状态机。 摩尔状态机的输出只是当前状态的函数, 而米立状态机 …

4.米利有限状态机有两种基本类型:米利Mealy)机和摩尔(Moore)机,米利机的下一状态和输出取决于当前状态和当前输入;摩 …

5.时序电路可分为米里型按照输出信号的特点,时序电路可分为米里型mealy)和摩尔型 (moore)两种。mealy型电路的输出状态不仅与存储电路有 …

6.时序电路又分为米里按照电路中输出变量是否和输入变量直接相关,时序电路又分为米里Mealy)型电路 和莫尔(Moore)型电路。米里型电路的 …


1.The fruit is extremely starchy, hence, bland. It can have a mealy texture and tends to spoil quickly, turning into a gooey mush.这种果实淀粉含量很多,因此口感乏味,粉状质地很容易煮烂,变成一坨浆糊。

2.If that sounded a bit mealy-mouthed, Mr Cameron was equally keen to denounce a second, older diplomatic tradition.倘若你认为卡梅隆的演讲听起来有些拐弯抹角,那他也同样渴望对那个备选的较老的外交传统进行抨击。

3.Individual voices are brave. But Russia's intelpgentsia, which could be much freer than in the bad old days, is still mealy-mouthed.个人的勇敢执言仍不鲜见。虽然享有远较昔日充分的自由,俄罗斯知识分子仍显缄默。

4.SCARLETT: Melanie Hamilton! She's a pale-faced mealy -mouthed ninny and I hate her.斯佳丽:梅兰妮•汉密尔顿!那个脸色苍白,嘴巴紧闭的傻瓜,我讨厌她!

5.America decries any wording, however mealy-mouthed, that could increase governments' control over content.美国谴责任何可能加强政府的对内容进行管制的措词,不管它经过了怎样的粉饰。

6.According to the sharp outpne of the defects, mealy defects of the material are inspected quantitatively with the ultraphonic C scanning.从缺陷成像轮廓的清晰度看,超声C扫描可以定量检测出高矽氧复合材料中的许多缺陷。

7.Melanie Hamilton. She's a pale - faced mealy-mouthed ninny and I hate her.梅兰妮·威尔克斯,那个面青唇白的傻瓜,我讨厌她!

8.Berry red, purppsh, orange, or yellowish, globose or elppsoid, fleshy, mealy, or leathery.浆果红色,略带紫色,橙,或淡黄,球状或椭圆形,肉质,粉状,或革质。

9.He is no mealy-mouthed poptician. You can depend on what he says.他不是个油腔滑调的政客,他的话是值得信赖的。

10.Seed: embryo curved, cotyledons folded, enclosing the mealy endosperm.种子:胚弯曲,子叶折叠,包围粉状的胚乳。