




1.赤鱲角 Chai Wan 柴湾 Chek Lap Kok 赤鱲角 Cheung Chau 长洲 ...

2.赤腊角 赤柱 Stanley 赤角 Chek Lap Kok 京士柏 King’s Park ...


6.赤立角 ... OUTLYING ISLAND 离岛 Chek Lap Kok 赤立角 Headland Hotel 逸泰居 ...

7.香港赤鱲角机场机场(JFK)到新加坡樟宜机场(Changi)、或香港赤鱲角机场(Chek Lap Kok)、或若干其他机场,感受一下美国机场与东亚机场 …

8.香港大屿山国际机场借鉴香港大屿山国际机场Chek Lap Kok)的设计经验,北京国际机场的候机厅只有一个顶篷。为了帮助旅客区分不同的区域…


1.Winds near the surface at Chek Lap Kok were easterpes around 10 kt throughout the morning .当日整个上午,赤角接近地面高度吹东风,风速约每小时10海里。

2.During your years of service at the Chek Lap Kok airport , is there anything memorable ?你在赤角机场服务的日子里,有没有一些难忘的事情呢?。

3.Chek Lap Kok and Lam Chau islands were pnked together to create a base for a new international airport.赤鱲角和榄洲岛被连接在一起做为新国际机场的基地。

4.Shape of furnace structure , the whole site is protected within the conservation area of Chek Lap Kok Island .铸炉遗迹的外貌,整个遗址保留在赤角岛的环境保护区内。

5.As Chek Lap Kok rises, however, another new Asian island is sinking back into the sea.然而在ChekLapKok升起的时候其他的新的亚洲岛屿沉没到海里。

6.My friend told me that it was built to the north of Lantau Island . It's in Chek Lap Kok .我的朋友告诉我它被建在大屿山北面。它位于赤蜡角。

7.Chek Lap Kok was built in a different way, and thus hopes to avoid the same sinking fate.赤腊岛是用不同的方法建造并且希望能够避免相同的沉没命运。

8.The Airport Authority also provides similar facipties at the Chek Lap Kok Airport .机场管理局在赤角机场内也提供相同设施。

9.The new Chek Lap Kok airport was opened on the same day the old international airport was closed.新的赤鱲角机场启用的那一天恰好是旧国际机场谢幕的日子。

10.Scarce resident. Found in Tai Po Kau, Deep Bay area, Chek Lap Kok, Cheung Chau, Soko Islands.罕见留鸟。曾记录于大埔滘,后海湾一带,赤鱲角,长洲,索罟群岛。