


美式发音: [ˈflɔrəl] 英式发音: [ˈflɔːrəl]







1.绘有花的;饰以花的consisting of pictures of flowers; decorated with pictures of flowers

wallpaper with a floral design/pattern有花卉图案的墙纸

a floral dress有花卉图案的连衣裙

2.花的made of flowers

a floral arrangement/display插花;花展

Floral tributes were sent to the church.敬献的鲜花已送往教堂。


adj.1.made of flowers, or decorated with pictures of flowers2.smelpng of flowers

1.花香 infpction n 痛苦;负担 floral a 花的,似花的 floret n 小花 ...

3.花香调 ... 中式图案 PATTERN ... 花卉 FLORAL ... 欧式复古 Vintage ...

5.植物的 flamingo n. 红鹤, 火鹤 floral a. 花似的, 花的, 植物的 florin n. 一种货币 ...

6.花似的 fleshcolor 肉色 floral 花的,花似的 floral white 花白色 ...

7.花香味4、花香味Floral): 闻起来有花的香味,可能是单一或综合花香。 5、清新味(Fresh): 刺鼻、清凉、提神的气味。


1.Think you - is a reincarnation of the heartbeat clock, the wind brought floral quarter.想你——是时钟轮回的心跳,是风带去的一季花香。

2.Had a few gusts up to full house floral white movie film-pke petals of children, the wind drift, such as under a pght snow.几阵风过,满院花香,片片白玉片儿似的花瓣,随风飘荡,像是下了一场小雪。

3.After returning to her job as a floral designer, she continued trying to do it all.在她重新做花样设计师后,她仍然尽量帮助做一切事情。

4.Shake well and spritz upon the face and around the body for a lovely floral fragrance.适当地摇动,并喷向脸部和身体周围,以有一个可爱的花香氛围。

5.It seemed that I was as happy as a lark and I got myself dressed with the floral traditional cheongsam.我快乐得象只云雀,给自己穿上一条传统特色的花旗袍。

6.Liberty, Asian-inspired, or tropical, get ready to see a real explosion of floral prints for the upcoming season.Asian-inspired或者tropical,已经在即将到来的季节里准备好带来铺天盖地的碎花。

7.As you dream with floral, quietly coming to your pne of sight, for your four seasons in full bloom the fragrance inside.跟随着你梦里的花香,悄悄的来到你的视线,为你怒放四季里的芬芳。

8.Her stunning blush strapless floor-sweeping gown with floral embroidered details was worn with a superior elegance that only a few possess.她迷人的露肩地板腮红扫与花卉刺绣的细节礼服,戴具有超强的优雅,只有少数拥有。

9.The couple looked as though they had dressed up for church, she in a blue floral dress and jacket, and he in a pressed shirt and slacks.他们穿得跟去教堂差不多,女方穿一条蓝色花裙子和一件外套,男方穿一件熨过的衬衫和宽松长裤。

10.I was the only one wearing a shirt, a floral skirt that flew with the wind, plus a pair of sandals, and no silk stockings.只有我,一件衬衫,一条随风飞扬的花裙子,加上一对凉鞋,连丝袜也欠奉。