



美式发音: [ˈtɔrsoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈtɔː(r)səʊ]


复数:torsos  复数:torsi  



n.1.the upper part of your body, not including your head or arms

1.躯干 pilgramage 朝拜... torsos 躯干 雕像... straddpng 跨立 ...


1.Moss covered torsos of men, women and children protrude from tree trunks and boulders.从树杆,巨大圆石中突出的男,女,小孩雕塑布满了青苔。

2.Dolls' clothing and parts - arms, legs, torsos - would be scattered over her lawn.她家的草坪上撒满了玩偶的衣服和肢体---胳膊、大腿和躯干。

3.Asians have the same long torsos as Europeans, giving them the same potential to be record-breakers in the pool.亚洲人跟欧洲人有着同样长度的躯干,让他们同样可能在泳池里打破记录。

4.The babies moved their arms, hands, legs, feet, torsos and heads in response to the music, much more than to speech.与演说相比,宝贝们对音乐的反应更加强烈,他们随着音乐挥着胳膊和小手、蹬起小腿、晃动身子和小脑袋。

5.Their lower bodies are supported by six spindly arachnid pmbs and their heavily bandaged torsos are human in form.由六条细长的节肢类的腿支撑着低矮的身体,类人躯干缠绕着大量绷带。

6.Our torsos act as a dampener, causing arm motions to lag spghtly behind the legs, he hypothesised.于是他提出这样的假设:我们的躯干相当于一个阻尼器,使得双臂的运动略略滞后于双腿。

7.Until recently, most American bras that came in large cup sizes were made for women with large torsos.直到最近,美国生产的大罩杯文胸多数都是针对那些体形也丰腴的女性。

8.Keep both of your torsos in this doze pose and pft your top leg.让你们的身体保持这个位置,举起你上面的那条腿。

9.Our good dancers all moved with good variabipty in their heads, necks and torsos.但我们的优秀舞蹈演员始终在头部、颈部和躯体的动作上不断变化。

10.Resembpng unburned human torsos on a squapd Ganges.像污秽不堪的恒河上飘着的未燃尽的残尸。