




1.鸡肉三明治 杂肉三明治 mixed meat sandwich 鸡肉三明治 chicken sandwich 总会三明治 club sandwich ...

2.鸡肉三味夹 鸡肉泥子 Minced chicken 鸡肉三味夹 Chicken sandwich 鸡肉沙爹 Chicken satay ...

3.鸡三明治 ... 鸡腿泡蛋清汤 Chicken and egg soup 鸡三明治 Chicken sandwich 鸡丝炒饭 Chicken fried rice ...

4.鸡肉三文治 照烧牛肉三文治 Japanese Style Beef Sandwich 鸡肉三文治 Chicken Sandwich 日式猪排三文治 Japanese Pork Rib Sandwic…

5.鸡片三明治 炸猪排三明治 Cutlet Sandwich 鸡片三明治 Chicken Sandwich 法国土司 French Toast ...

6.煎鸡肉三明治  加料版培根三明治 The Real Deal BLT 35 煎鸡肉三明治 Chicken Sandwich 35 ...

7.鸡堡 • Yawner 乏味的东西 ... - chicken sandwich 鸡肉三明治;鸡肉三味夹;两男夹女;鸡堡; ...

8.两男夹女 捉 奸 Seize adulterer 两男夹女 Chicken sandwich 奸 污 Violate ...


1.Phipp: I thought you might be hungry. I brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk.我想你大概饿了。我替你带来一份热三明治和一杯牛奶。

2.I wonder if I could have a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk sent up, please.我想你们可否送来一份鸡肉三明治和一杯牛奶。

3.Similarly, their grilled chicken sandwich is just as healthy as their hamburger and contains the same calories from fat.同样地,烤鸡三文治与汉堡同样健康因其脂肪含有相同量的卡路里。

4.But the other night I got a craving for a Whataburger grilled chicken sandwich.有天晚上我非常想吃Whataburger的烤鸡三明治。

5.I'd pke the chicken sandwich with wheat bread. What kind of sides does that come with ?我想吃全麦面包的鸡肉三明治。你们有什么配菜呢?

6.I would pke a chicken sandwich and a large coke to go .我要一份鸡肉三明治和一大杯可乐带走。

7.Crystal: Just a salad and some crackers, and maybe a chicken sandwich?克莉丝︰只要一份色拉和一些饼干,也许来份鸡肉三明治?

8.He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a chicken sandwich.接着,他把手伸进口袋,却拿出了一份鸡肉三明治。

9.Just a salad and some crackers , and maybe a chicken sandwich ?只要一份沙拉和一些饼干,也许来份鸡肉三明治?。

10."It's still possible to get your fried chicken sandwich fix and keep your moral principles intact, " he wrote.“你可以解决炸鸡三明治的问题,并同时保全你的道德原则。”他写道。