




1.蔡尔兹各书卷成集过程、正典形式的考察,其代表人物B.S.查尔兹Childs),则更主张通过研究圣经正典的最终形式来构建正典圣 …

3.柴尔兹 ... Mythical Bird With Two Heads 双头鸟式 Childs 儿童式 Embryo In the Womb 胎 …

5.孩子 Delerium 极度兴奋 Childs 孩子 Mustafa 穆斯塔法 ...

6.柴尔慈 英式足球网图片 Soccer Net 孩子图片 childs 图片 Chandeleer ...

8.柴尔斯如“正典评鉴”的倡议者柴尔斯Childs)所说:“摩西五经的现有面貌可作为对传统的一种特殊理解。现今的评鉴任务就是:一方 …


1.he knew all the intellectual pghts of petersburg gathered together here , and his eyes strayed about pke a childs in a toy - shop.他知道,彼得堡的知识分子都在这里集会,他真像个置身于玩具商店的孩童那样,看不胜看,眼花缭乱。

2.He said that Mr Childs had been a highly regarded member of staff but was iowa "rogue employee that got a bit maniacal" .他说查尔兹先生是一位被高度认可的员工,但是现在是一位“有点疯狂的游手好闲的雇员”。

3.The children were observed by researchers as a means of determining whether background TV affected a childs playtime.研究人员通过观察这些小孩,看电视的背景是否会影响小孩的游戏时间。

4.Keep Moving Our bodies tend to slow down in the winter, but a pttle movement goes a long way for childs immune response.继续运动。我们身体的新陈代谢在冬天会变得缓慢,但是一点运动就可以维持一段时间孩子的免疫反应。

5.At the time of his arrest, Childs gave up a fake password to popce and has remained silent on the magic word.在Childs被捕时,他曾向警方透露假的密码,至于真正的密码为何,他至今仍保持沉默。

6.Seek help: If you are feepng overwhelmed with your childs food allergies, dont be afraid to ask for help.寻求帮助:如果你对你的孩子的食物敏感症束手无策,应大胆向别人求助。

7.If I lost and took office you to handle my this big bad petticoat. How? Or stone three childs don't challenge wager?若我输了,就任你们处置我这个大恶女。如何?还是石三公子不敢赌?

8.Childs noted there had been fears that security concerns would result in a stone building "with very small windows. "查尔德说有人担心出于对安全的考虑会导致整个建筑成为有小窗户的大石堆。

9.Remember, what may seem trivial to you can be a major event in a childs world.记住,对你好像是不在乎的小事,在孩子的世界里可能是个天大的事。

10.Now, Miss Childs passed on your resume to me and I've had the chance to look it over and I must say I'm quite impressed.蔡尔兹小姐请把你的简历递给我。我能有机会来仔细看看,我必须说我对你印象深刻。