




1.年轻人 the impossible 不可能的事 the young 年轻人 the rich 富人 ...

2.年青人 in prison 进监狱 the young 年青人 World War II 是专有名词 ...

3.青年人 the poor 穷人; the young 青年人; the old 老年人; ...

4.年轻的 ... exclusive 独家 the young 年轻的 to dye 去染色 ...

5.年轻受众 ... 英语新闻 | 经济学人双语文艺新闻在线试听:年轻与焦躁 The young a Science and technology 科学 …

7.青少年 海管铺设: Laying of pipepnes 青少年the young 青年人: Young patient ...


1.He writes, he says, for the young, who have to deal with the mess he bepeves his own generation has made of Western society.他说,他是为年轻人而写,因为他们必须收拾--在他认为--他这一代人将西方社会所搞成的烂摊。

2.Years later, the young woman is still fighting for a legal separation from her illegal marriage.已过了数年,这个年轻女子还在为她的非法婚姻争取合法分居。

3.The young prince told her that when they were married, he would take her to his own kingdom.年轻的王子对她说他们结婚后,要带她回去他自己的王国。

4.As the young people shouted, the old con rose and made his way to the front of the bus to go home.在年轻人的叫喊声中,那个往日的囚徒站起来,走到车门前,然后向家走去。

5.If you wipe out a year class, the young of the year, you don't see that effect for several years.如果抛去一年的种类,就是小的一批物种,但是并没看到对之后几年的影响。

6.To my great surprise, the woman did not thank the young man; on the contrary, she glared at him coldly, which made him embarrassed.让我感应奇异的是,这位妇女没有感谢感动这位年青人,反而用冷淡的目光盯着他,使他感应困窘。

7.Once the young man admits his guilt to his new wife and accepts his own criminal nature, he is able to satisfy his hunger and fall asleep.而一旦这个年轻人向新婚妻子承认罪过,承认自己的犯罪本性,他的饥饿感就得到了满足,可以入睡了。

8.The young woman is a cleaner who has come for the procedure with her mother.这个女孩是个清洁工,和她妈妈一起来做这个的。

9.The doctor thought that the young girl was ignorant of the fact that she had cancer, but she wasn't.大夫以为这个年轻女孩对她自己得了癌症的事一无所知,但事实并非如此。

10.and the young girl wrote, agreeing to be ready to set out on any day on which she might be required.年轻的姑娘写了回信,同意做好准备,他们需要她哪天去,她就可以动身。